Adult Summer League

2025 Summer Leagues

We are pleased to announce that our 2025 summer season will begin the week of May 12th!  Our 2025 Summer leagues will be 7-on-7, following our Outdoor League Rules, except for our New Summer League exclusively at Lamport Stadium on Thursdays.  This league will be a 6-on-6 (minimum of 2 male and 2 female matching players on the field) targeted at beginner and recreational players (having a few experienced players per team is encouraged).

Registration for the 2025 Summer Season will open on Monday, March 31st, starting at 10 am!

TUC's Safe Return to Play - COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines.  TUC strongly urges and recommends that all members be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine to do so and remain up-to-date with Health Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Health, and the Public Health Agency of Canada's recommendations and guidelines on vaccines.

The league offerings listed below are ADULT Summer Leagues and are intended for Adult (18+) participants only.

For information regarding our Youth offerings, please visit the Juniors Program Summary page, or learn how youth can participate in adult leagues through our Juniors Participation Policy. Read below for further details on each offering and league information.

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Thursday LamportSunday | Open Leagues

Day Dates Game Times Divisions Ratio Team Cost Individual Cost
Monday May 12 - Aug 25 6:45pm* East / West  4:3 or 3:4 (endzone rule in effect) $2150 $180
Tuesday May 13 - Aug 26 6:45pm* East / West 4:3 or 3:4 (endzone rule in effect) $2150 $180
Wednesday May 14 - Aug 27 6:45pm* Comp / East / West 4:3 or 3:4 (endzone rule in effect) $2150 $180
Thursday May 15 - Aug 28 6:45pm* East / West 4:3 or 3:4 (endzone rule in effect) $2150 $180
Thursday Lamport (Spring) May 15 - June 26 7:15 - 8:25pm or 8:30 - 9:40pm Lamport 2:2:2 (minimum of 2 male and 2 female matching players) $650 $50
Thursday Lamport  (Summer) July 10 - Aug 28 7:15 - 8:25pm or 8:30 - 9:40pm Lamport 2:2:2 (minimum of 2 male and 2 female matching players) $650 $50
**Sunday (TBA) TBA TBA Masters / Grand Masters 4:3 or 3:4 (endzone rule in effect) n/a TBA

* Teams may have games scheduled to start later than 6:45 pm. Games will be scheduled to share time slots / fields evenly amongst teams as best as possible.

General League Info

The TUC Summer Leagues will start the week of May 12th and will run through to August 29th.  

Every day of the week is treated as a separate league, and on each weeknight, there are separate divisions.  We will do our best to locate games in the described areas, with Yonge Street as the general dividing line between East and West. All Competitive Division games will be played in a set location(s) throughout the City.

Rules regarding gameplay can be found on the rules page.  Team captains must assist in enforcing the rules. Please abide by the Spirit of the Game when dealing with this (and any other game) issue. For the 2025 summer season, all league games will be 7-on-7 Mixed (4 OMP: 3 FMP OR 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - ENDZONE CHOOSES Ratio), with the game ending at a set determined time by the captains or sun-down. 

NOTE ON GENDER EQUITY: TUC is committed to advancing gender equity within our community to ensure Ultimate is a space for participants of ALL genders. Sport has traditionally operated with a gender binary framework - Co-ed divisions, Women's Divisions and Men's Divisions. We at TUC understand and recognize that gender is a spectrum, and we want participants with diverse genders to feel welcomed and included. For clarity, TUC wants to remind all participants of the gender roster categories for our leagues for the Summer 2025 season:

  • Woman/Female Roster Designation (FMP) = Woman, Non-Binary and Two-Spirit: may include women (cis and trans), non-binary, and two-spirit players.
  • Open Roster Designation (OMP) = Open, Non-Binary and Two-Spirit: may include men (cis and trans), women (cis and trans), non-binary, and two-spirit players.

The 2025 Summer League Captains' Meeting(s) will be in person at Monarch Park Stadium the week of May 5th.  Details will be released to Team Captains on April 28th.

League Contacts: The TUC conveners for the 2025 Summer League will be announced by the end of April. General questions about leagues should be addressed to the convener listed for the league in question. However, in order to reduce the flood of emails to the convener, if you are a player and have a question about TUC or the league, please ask your team captain first or contact the appropriate person as listed on the TUC contacts page. Your team captain is your first point of contact with TUC regarding administrative matters.

Registration for Summer Leagues will open on March 31st, 2025.

The cost for team registration is $2,150 based on the 15-week season we can offer (with the 16th week being held for rain-outs).  For 2025, TUC has seen (on average) a 4% increase over our 2025 summer field rental fees across all our vendors (City of Toronto, Razor, TDSB).

Individual registration (for those who want to register as a solo player for our 7-on-7 leagues) is set up so that TUC can match you with a team needing additional players, or a HAT team will be created based on player preferences.  You can also check out our matchmaker service to connect with teams looking for players.  The exception to this is our New Thursday Lamport League, targeted at beginner and rec players.  Individuals interested in registering for the Thursday Lamport League can register directly for that specific league.

If you have any questions, contact

All players must be valid TUC members. You must possess a 2025/2026 membership valid from April 1st, 2025 - March 31st, 2026, to play in ANY 2025 Summer Leagues (league fees still apply). If you are joining the Club in the Summer, we offer an Introductory membership for brand-new TUC members, which runs through March 31, 2026. Monthly membership options are available to help introduce new players to Ultimate and accommodate visitors from out of town. All players must sign the waiver of liability form before stepping on the field. In order to enforce these stipulations, we rely heavily on the honour system and on our team captains. Please abide by the Spirit of the Game when dealing with this (and any other game) issue.

For more information on becoming a TUC member, visit our Becoming a Member page. You can see our How to Register page if you need help registering a team or as an individual.

Important Dates for Summer 2025

Below are some important dates for Summer 2025 to show you what's happening and when you need to get moving. Please go to the TUC events calendar for a complete listing of all TUC events. Only the most critical dates about the summer leagues are listed here for emphasis. Note that this list will be updated as dates are finalized.

  • March 31st -- Summer League registration begins @ 10am!
  • May 1st -- Summer League registration closes @ 6pm!
  • Week of May 5th -- MANDATORY Captains' Meeting
  • Week of May 12th -- First week of 2025 Summer League
  • Week of August 18th -- Last official week of 2025 Summer League
  • Week of August 25th -- Rain week for the 2025 Summer League
  • Weekend of September 6th and 7th -- Summer Playoffs (CONFIRMED)

* Individual Player Registration for 7-on-7 Leagues *

Players will provide information and playing preferences through the registration questionnaire. The questionnaire will help us match the individual player with a team or create a HAT team. It is not guaranteed that we will be able to match each player with a team or create a HAT team.

​NOTE:  This registration is designed to collect information from you that will be used to either match you with a team looking to take on additional players or create a new team. Generally, female-matching players are in higher demand on league and hat teams. While there is no guarantee of getting on a team, open players who sign up with a female-matching partner will be more likely to find a spot on a team. Priority will also be given to players joining the league for the first time.  Note: It is not guaranteed that we will be able to match you with a team or create a new team. If we cannot get you on a team for the summer season, any league fees and/or membership fees will be refunded.

Cost:  $180 ($159.29 + HST)

Individual Player Registration: TBA

Registration status: Registration will open Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 10 am.

* Monday Mixed Leagues *

The Monday Mixed Leagues are a 7-on-7 offering (4 OMP: 3 FMP or 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - end zone chooses rule in effect). Two league options (East and West) will be available (dependent on field availability).

Dates: Starts Monday, May 12th and finishes Monday, August 18th (15 weeks); Monday, August 25th will be held as a 'rain-date'
Game Times: 6:45 pm (some games on 'lit' fields may start later)
Location: Throughout the GTA (view a map of potential fields here).  EAST leagues will play on fields EAST of Yonge St. and WEST leagues WEST of Yonge St.  Please note that TUC may schedule some games on central fields if we need to, depending on the field available and league size.
Format: 7-on-7 Mixed (League Format). Gender ratio is 4:3 OR 3:4 (with endzone rule in effect; read more here)
Cost:  $2,150 ($1,902.65 + HST) 
Maximum number of Teams - East: 20 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)
Maximum number of Teams - West: 22 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)

Monday East Team Registration: TBA

Monday West Team Registration: TBA

Registration status: Registration will open Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 11 am.

* Tuesday Mixed Leagues *

The Tuesday Mixed Leagues are a 7-on-7 offering (4 OMP: 3 FMP or 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - end zone chooses rule in effect). Two league options (East and Central/West) will be available (dependent on field availability). 

Dates: Starts Tuesday, May 13th and finishes Tuesday, August 19th (15 weeks); Tuesday, August 26th will be a 'rain-date'.
Game Times: 6:45 pm (some games on 'lit' fields may start later)
Location: Throughout the GTA (view a map of potential fields here).  EAST leagues will play on fields EAST of Yonge St. and WEST leagues WEST of Yonge St.  Please note that TUC may schedule some games on central fields if we need to, depending on the field available and league size.
Format: 7-on-7 Mixed (League Format). Gender ratio is 4:3 OR 3:4 (with endzone rule in effect; read more here)
Cost: $2,150 ($1,902.65 + HST)
Maximum number of Teams - East: 20 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)
Maximum number of Teams - West/Central: 12 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)

Tuesday East Team Registration: TBA

Tuesday West/Central Team Registration: TBA

Registration statusRegistration will open on Monday, March 31st, 2025, at noon.

* Wednesday Mixed Leagues *

The Wednesday Mixed Leagues are a 7-on-7 offering (4 OMP: 3 FMP or 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - end zone chooses rule in effect). Three league options (Competitive, East and West) will be available (dependent on field availability). 

Dates: Starts Wednesday, May 14th and finishes Wednesday, August 20th (15 weeks); Wednesday, August 27th will be held as a 'rain-date'.
Game Times: 6:45 pm (some games on 'lit' fields may start later)
Location: Throughout the GTA (view a map of potential fields here).  EAST leagues will play on fields EAST of Yonge St. and WEST leagues WEST of Yonge St.  Please note that TUC may schedule some games on central fields if we need to, depending on the field available and league size.
Format: 7-on-7 Mixed (League Format). Gender ratio is 4:3 OR 3:4 (with endzone rule in effect; read more here)
Cost: $2,150 ($1,902.65 + HST)
Maximum number of Teams-Comp: 10 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)
Maximum number of Teams-East: 16 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)
Maximum number of Teams-West: 10 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)

Wednesday Comp Team Registration: TBA

Wednesday East Team Registration: TBA

Wednesday West Team Registration: TBA

Registration status: Registration will open Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 1 pm.

* Thursday 7-on-7 Mixed Leagues *

The Thursday Mixed Leagues are a 7-on-7 offering (4 OMP: 3 FMP or 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - end zone chooses rule in effect). Two league options (East and West) will be available (dependent on field availability). 

Dates: Starts Thursday, May 15th and finishes Thursday, August 21ST (15 weeks); Thursday, August 28th will be held as a 'rain-date'.
Game Times: 6:45 pm (some games on 'lit' fields may start later)
Location: Throughout the GTA (view a map of potential fields here). EAST leagues will play on fields EAST of Yonge St. and WEST leagues WEST of Yonge St.  Please note that TUC may schedule some games on central fields if we need to, depending on the ​field available and league size.
Format: 7-on-7 Mixed (League Format). Gender ratio is 4:3 OR 3:4 (with endzone rule in effect; read more here)
Cost: $2,150 ($1,902.65 + HST)
Maximum number of Teams-East: 20 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)
Maximum number of Teams-West: 10 total teams (subject to change based on field availability)

Thursday East Team Registration: TBA

Thursday West Team Registration: TBA

Registration status: Registration will open Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 2 pm.

* NEW - Thursday 6-on-6 Summer Leagues at Lamport Stadium *

TUC is excited to introduce a new Summer Thursday League designed for new and recreational players!  This new Thursday league will be a 6-on-6 (minimum of 2 male-matching and 2 female-matching players on the field) league offering.  All games will be played out of Lamport Stadium!

There will be two (2) 7-week seasons.  One will run from May 15th through to June 26th (Spring), and the second season (Summer) will run from July 10th through to August 28th (with no game on July 31st).

Spring League Details:

Dates:  Starts Thursday, May 15th, and finished Thursday, June 26th
Game Times: 7:15 - 8:25 pm or 8:30 - 9:40 pm (70-minute games)
Location: All games will be played at Lamport Stadium
Format: 6-on-6 Mixed League (minimum 2 male-matching and 2 female-matching on the field)
Skill Level: Targeted at beginner and recreational players (having a few experienced players per team is encouraged!)
Cost: Teams - $650 ($575.22 + HST); Individuals - $50 (44.25 + HST)
Maximum Number of Teams:12 teams (including 1 HAT team)

Spring Season Team Registration:  TBA

Spring Season Individual Registration:  TBA

Registration status:  Registration will open on Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 2 pm.

Summer League Details:

Dates:  Starts Thursday, July 10th, and finishes Thursday, August 28th (No game on July 31st)
Game Times: 7:15 - 8:25 pm or 8:30 - 9:40 pm (70-minute games)
Location: All games will be played at Lamport Stadium
Format: 6-on-6 Mixed League (minimum 2 male-matching and 2 female-matching on the field)
Skill Level: Targeted at beginner and recreational players (having a few experienced players per team is encouraged!)
Cost: Teams - $650 ($575.22 + HST); Individuals - $50 (44.25 + HST)
Maximum Number of Teams: 12 teams (including 1 HAT team)

Summer Season Team Registration:  TBA

Summer Season Individual Registration:  TBA

Registration Status:  Registration will open on Monday, May 12th, 2025 at 10 am.

* Sunday Masters / Grand Masters League*

The Sunday Masters / Grand Masters League will be a 7-on-7 offering (4 OMP: 3 FMP or 3 OMP: 4 FMP gender ratio - end zone chooses).

Dates: TBA
Game Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Format: 7-on-7 Mixed (League Format). Gender ratio is 4:3 OR 3:4 (with endzone rule in effect; read more here)
Cost: $155 ($137.17 + HST)
Maximum number of individuals: 80 individuals; 44 open players and 36 female-identifying players (4 total teams with 20 roster spots per team)

Individual Registration:  TBA

Registration status: TUC is still waiting on our requested permit for this league. Registration will open on Monday, March 31st, 2025, at 3 pm; at this time, however, we will not be taking payment until our permit is received.  Registration for this program will hold your space; when we receive our permit, we will send payment instructions to all registrants.

Spirit, Safety & Fields

Spirit of the Game is an integral part of Ultimate. In order to encourage teams to play with Spirit, we are requiring all teams to submit a Spirit score as well as a game score after each game. It is the responsibility of both team captains to submit a spirit score for the other team after every game.

In the interest of safety, the TUC strongly discourages games from taking place on grass fields during poor weather or on soggy fields. If the weather becomes severe during your game (i.e. thunderstorms), be sure to follow TUC's Bad Weather PolicyMetal cleats are not allowed under any circumstances. Plastic/rubber cleats are allowed at Monarch Park Stadium, Lamport Stadium, UCC, and Lakeshore Collegiate Dome, but NOT at the Downsview Hangar. Running shoes or turf shoes at the Hangar only, absolutely no cleats there! Foot blocks are not allowed except with the explicit prior agreement of both team captains. Any foot block, attempted or successful, should be treated as a foul.

Since field space is difficult to find, the TUC is always concerned about the possibility of losing currently permitted fields. Permits can be revoked if teams engage in prohibited activities or as the result of complaints from neighbourhood groups. Therefore, we remind everyone of the following policies:

  • The consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs is NOT allowed at the fields, whether before, during or after a game. If you wish to engage in such activities, please do so in the privacy of your own home.
  • Smoking Ban Bylaw: It is illegal to smoke tobacco within 9 meters of sports fields. 
  • Use Spirit when dealing with other users of the parks. This means being polite to the people who inadvertently stray onto the field during your game. Also, bring the permit with you to your game to head off conflict with other users of the field.
  • Use common sense and be considerate of the neighbours. This means that you do not pee in the bushes, against the side of a house or in the middle of the field. Also, do not block driveways with your car.
  • If problems arise with fields, such as poor condition or conflict with other groups (e.g. soccer), please bring them to the attention of the league convenor and the fields coordinator. Do not take it upon yourself to solve the problem.