We'll be entering a team into the 4v4 junior Provincial Championships, happening Feb 17th in Burlington.
Our free tryout will be held Sun Jan 14th at Monarch Park Stadium, 4pm. Registration and details can be found here:
Junior 4v4 Provincial Team.png

TUC will be looking to enter a junior open, and a junior girls (female-matching) team into the Callahan for Kids 1 day tournament in Bowmanville.
The tournament typically involves 4 or 5 1hr long games, played at Clarington Fields in Bowmanville. Athletes should plan to arrive at the fields around 8:15am, though coaches will provide more details ahead of the day.
Athletes will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the fields, though we can look to help facilitate carpools among teammates.
To qualify, athletes must be born no earlier than 2005, and no later than 2010 (athletes registering who were born in 2009-2010 should be comfortable playing with and against older athletes).
Teams will be limited to 18 players on a first-come-first serve basis. There will be no team practices or tryouts. This is just meant to provide a 1-time tournament opportunity for our juniors. Play time will be spread evenly for at least 95% of the day. There will be no jerseys ordered (due to both cost and production time), and we will likely be wearing an assortment of lights and darks.
Register at these links:
Callahan for Kids - May 27th - Bowmanville - Junior Girls/Female-Matching Team - Player Registration
Callahan for Kids - May 27th - Bowmanville - Junior Open Team - Player Registration
If interested in participating (or coaching) please contact our Manager of Athlete Development and Coaching at