Adult Summer League Registration

For Juniors information visit the Toronto Juniors Upcoming Program Summary page.

If you already have a summer team that you know you are playing for, then the captain signs up the team and adds the players to the roster. The team captain then collects everyone's portion of the team fee, since they will have paid TUC the full team fee. If you are not the captain then you don't need to register the team. If you are an individual without a team and want to be placed on one of our 'HAT' teams (teams made up of individual players), then you can register for that and we'll place you on a roster (per your weeknight request).

TUC also offers a series of Clinic Leagues for beginners, that coincide with the summer season. Check the home page and newsletters for updates.

Remember: before you can register a team or yourself as an individual player you must first be a valid TUC member! For more information on becoming a TUC member, visit our Becoming a Member page. For assistance with registering a team or as an individual, see our How to Register page.

Complete summer team registration includes payment in full by the registration deadline and a minimum of 12 paid members on your roster within one week of your first game. If you have any questions, contact

The maximum number of teams is capped and depends on how many field permits we acquire. If the demand exceeds the caps, teams will be placed on a waiting list for that specific night. If we can acquire enough fields to allow more team registrations, then we will look to the waiting list. The ladder rankings for Intermediate and Recreational Divisions will depend on number of teams applying for each. For more info on field locations visit the TUC fields page which lists the fields and includes driving and TTC directions.

The following divisions will be offered in the 2024 Summer League (we will expand the max team numbers where feasible but reserve the right to cap at these numbers). Note all divisions will use the Ratings Ladder System.


  • West Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 22 teams max),
  • East Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 20 teams max)


  • West Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 12 teams max),
  • East Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 20 teams max)


  • Competitive Division (10 teams max),
  • West Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 10 teams max),
  • East Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 16 teams max)

Thursday 7-on-7

  • West Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 10 teams max),
  • East Division (Intermediate and Recreational, 20 teams max)

Thursday Lamport - Rec/Beginner

  • Spring Season (Beginner and Recreational, 12 teams max),
  • Summer Season (Beginner and Recreational, 12 teams max)

In the event that there are more teams than field space will allow on any one night, the following criteria will be used to allocate teams:

  1. All teams in the order that we receive their payments.
  2. A minimum of 12 paid members (TUC membership fee) must be on a roster.

PLEASE NOTE: If there are less than 12 paid registered members on your roster prior to league start or your fee has NOT been paid by May 5, then TUC reserves the right to cancel your team registration and participation in summer league.

Any remaining conflicts or scheduling problems will be addressed and resolved by the league conveners on a case-by-case basis.