Event date:
Friday, December 29, 2023 - 19:00 to 21:00
Reconnect with the ultimate community and refresh your skills to get ready for TUC's Winter Indoor offerings!
Put your cleats on, run around, throw/catch, scrimmage, and get/give coaching support.
Re-engage with the sport you love and learn to play smarter with age, so you can play longer. All who identify as women and who will be 30+ years of age by the end of 2024 (i.e. born in 1994 or earlier) are welcome!
- Who/Level: Masters and Grand Masters Women
- Day: Friday, December 29th, 2023
- Time: 7:00pm - 8:55pm
- Location: Monarch Park Stadium (Field 3)
- Cost: FREE for TUC Members / $5 ($4.42 + HST) for Non-Members
- Maximum number of individuals: 40 female-identifying individuals
- Format: Led by Masters/GM women from the TUC community. The tentative agenda is:
- cleat up and socialize
- dynamic warm-up activities and coaching (conditioning tips)
- simple drills and coaching (technical tips)
- scrimmage and coaching (strategic tips)
- cool down activities and guided discussion (what's next: opportunities to play league, pick-up, tournaments; more events/clinics; leadership opportunities)
TUC Member Registration: https://www.tuc.org/zuluru/events/view?event=2187
Non-TUC Member Registration: https://www.tuc.org/zuluru/events/view?event=2188
Registration Status: Registration for this event (clinic) is open now!