What’s Up in May!
Summer League Team registration has now closed and we thank all members and teams for signing up on time. The race is now on to review our field permits and set the schedules over the next few weeks. We will do our best to accommodate your requests, but please recognize that while we are looking good for requested evenings, TUC cannot guarantee exact locations, as we have over 210 teams! Stay tuned.
Here’s what’s coming up this month. Please be sure to register online where indicated:
Beginner’s Co-Ed Beach Clinic – THIS WEEKEND!!!
This Sunday, April 30 TUC will host a beginner’s clinic on the beach at Ashbridge’s Bay, from 12pm – 2pm. The clinic is free to all TUC members and no registration is necessary. This is a perfect opportunity to prepare for the summer season and learn the tricks of the trade! We’ll meet on the west side of the beach by 12pm noon (parking via Coxwell Ave); look for the TUC tent! Pickup to follow afterwards.
May 6 Beach Hat & BBQ – NEXT WEEKEND!!!
On Saturday May 6 TUC will host its first ‘hat’ tournament of the year. The event is FREE to all 2006 TUC members and will include a social bbq! We ask that all participants please register online for this tournament. The Tournament will be held at Ashbridge's Bay on the beach starting at 10:00 AM. We're asking for everyone to show up at 9:30 AM so we can sort out the teams before hand. Park in the west side parking lot via Coxwell Ave and look for the TUC tent and picnic pavilion.
Captains Meetings – May 15-18!!!
In early May all team captains will be contacted and asked to attend our annual Captains Meetings for the 2006 Summer Season. Each night of the week, corresponding with your summer league play (if your team plays on Mondays, attend the Monday meeting), captains will be asked to ‘meet as one’ at the Sport Alliance Building, located at 1185 Eglinton Avenue East (Room 3B). The meetings are not mandatory but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Important information will be disseminated and all questions will be answered…. we’ll even feed and provide all captains with a free disc!
Ultimate Long Weekend
Individual registration is now open for ULW and spots are filling fast! ULW is a great long weekend escape from May 19 – 22, held at Olympia Sports Camp in Huntsville. The event features a raucous Ultimate tournament but will also include sport camp activities and an 18 hole disc golf course. This is one you definitely don’t want to miss! Cost is $195 per person and includes all meals and accommodations for the weekend!!!
Register online now as spots are limited! Registration closes May 18.
Juniors Ultimate Spring Tournament!!!

Registration is now open for J.U.S.T., the largest Juniors-only tournament in the city! The event will be split into two components – a one-day high school championships on Friday, May 26 and a two-day Open championships on May 27-28 for any junior club or high school teams that wish to enter. Cost is $175 for May 26 and $275 for May 27-28. For more details visit our Juniors page on the web site. Spread the word! Let your school know about this great tournament and encourage them to sign up a team!
JUST registration closes May 24.
TUC Shop & Team Deals Compliments of our New Partners!
TUC’s Ultimate merchandising haven, The TUC Shop, is currently being restocked with fresh discs and gear for the season. New discs have already arrived, in various colours and variety. Also, we’ll soon have generic dry fit shirts in stock at the office in various colours, as well as new sizes in outdoor cleats. The web page will be updated shortly so keep checking back for the latest TUC Shop additions. Or swing on by the Shop, located at TUC Headquarters at 1185 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 703.
If you’re looking for custom team gear and discs, then look no further then our partners in Ultimate, GAIA & Daredevil Discs! Here are some great offers for you team:
GAIA Custom Jerseys for TUC Members
GAIA is excited to join TUC as its Preferred Apparel and is pleased to offer our members a full line of in-stock and customized team gear. TUC members can use their FREE GAIA member price discount and $10 online gift certificate to purchase their custom team jerseys! All TUC team orders will also receive a free one colour TUC logo.
To receive your FREE GAIA Membership and $10 gift certificate, go to the following link and enter your email address (as registered with TUC) and TUC ID# and click ‘login’. It is strongly encouraged that you update your personal information and change your password.
To login, go to: GAIA Ultimate.

Please Note: If you are a current GAIA Member of www.GAIAultimate.com please note that your password remains unchanged. If you are part of the Elite Player program, please note that your password remains unchanged and you will still receive all of the Elite Player benefits.
Daredevil Discs – Team Disc Special
Order your custom team discs today. Daredevil offers a special price for TUC 2006-2007 members who wish to purchase team discs. Prices are inclusive of TUC’s Daredevil discount:
Click here to check out the TUC Shop
Winter League Champions
Congratulations to all Winter League participants and our champions for 2006:
Monday Men’s League: Tier 1 – Mandrew, Tier 2 – O’Toole’s
Tuesday Co-ed: Tier 1 – The Wonders
Thursday Co-ed: Tier 1 – Buck Naked (pictured), Tier 2 - Norwood
Layout 4 Leukemia
This year marks the fifth year of L4L’s incredible events which help to raise funds for Leukemia research at Princess Margaret Hospital. The outpourings of generosity from TUC members and the like have made this event possible. In four years L4L has raised over $250,000 and hopes to add another $100,000 to the total for 2006.
There are two events in May for you to participate in. The first is the Red and White party which will be held on Saturday, May 6th at the UP Lounge, 133 John Street, after the TUC Hat Tournament. Wear Red & White to show your support and check out the website at http://www.layout4leukemia.com/party.php.
The second event is the Layout 4 Leukemia ultimate/ disc golf tournament being held on Olympic Island on Saturday, May 27th. There is still room for people who want to come out and help or join in the fun on a team.
If you can’t make it out but would still like to help raise funds for L4L please visit the donation page at www.layout4leukemia.com. Contact the L4L Committee at layout4leukemia@yahoo.com
Click here to visit the Layout 4 Leukemia website
Volunteer with TUC!
There are lots of great volunteer opportunities with the Toronto Ultimate Club. Not only can you help our Club grow and improve its service to the community, but you can also earn credits towards free TUC Shop gear! Our new Volunteers Policy is posted online (under “About TUC – Policies”) so feel free to have a look! Interested in volunteering for TUC events and initiatives? Here are some areas where we could use your help:
- League Convenors
- Coach for a Day & Hat Team Coaches
- Membership Mailing
- Event support
For more information contact volunteers@tuc.org
The TUC team