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TUC Membership 2008-2009 |
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Summer League Captains MUST READ |
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TUC Surf ‘n’ Turf Spring League Update |
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Upcoming TUC Clinics! |
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Membership Package Party – We Need Your Help! |
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Volunteer Of The Month |
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BE ULTIMATE! TUC City Clean-Up Day is May 3 |
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Touring Team Tryouts |
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Winter League Champions |
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TUC Hiring Events Manager for Summer 2008 |
Volunteer of the Month for March is Ian Lee
 Ian Lee is the TUC Volunteer of the Month for April 2008. As the Clinics Chair for TUC, Ian has vowed to help our members learn new skills and hone their game. Not only does he assemble instructors and design a game plan for each clinic, but Ian also attends the clinics himself and shares his knowledge and passion for the game. In January he organized three very successful indoor clinics and he has worked hard in March to line-up three more this spring. Thanks to Ian, our clinics are diversified, organized, and fun. Our participation rates in TUC clinics are higher and our members are learning more from them.
Thanks for all your hard work Ian!
BE ULTIMATE! TUC City Clean-Up Day is May 3

In conjunction with Mayor David Miller’s community makeover program, TUC is doing its part to help keep our City clean. Last year we tackled Cedarvale Park on two separate days, ridding the park of countless bags of garbage as well as revitalizing the north space field. This year we will clean-up David Balfour Park (Rosehill Reservoir) which has been a longstanding TUC field. We are looking for volunteers to join us from 10am-12pm at the park on May 3. Volunteers will receive point credits towards the TUC Shop or their touring teams, plus you are helping a great cause. Afterwards, we will host the above clinic on our newly cleaned field. If you would like to sign-up and volunteer please email volunteers@tuc.org
Winter League Champs
Another fantastic Winter season has come and gone. Congrats to all of our league champions and thanks to all players and volunteers for another great season:
Sunday Women’s League Champs – Diggers
Monday Elite Champs – Redi
Monday Competitive Champs – Release the Hounds
Monday Intermediate Champs – Allegro
Tuesday Men’s Champs – Mr. Men
Tuesday Intermediate Champs – Ninjastars
Thursday Competitive Champs – Udder Threats
Thursday Intermediate Champs - Beefeater
Touring Team Tryouts
Thinking of touring this summer? There are plenty of touring tryouts throughout the month of April, and we encourage you to visit the TUC BBS for more information. Mixed teams are hosting tryouts this weekend and next weekend as well as open (men’s) teams.
Please note that dates and locations are subject to change as these are independently run events. Teams will post any changes in the TUC BBS.
TUC Hiring Events Manager for Summer 2008
TUC is seeking an intern for the position of Events Manager this summer. We are accepting last-minute applications until Tuesday April 22. For more information please read the Events Manager article on the home page.
You have less than 2 weeks left to register for Summer League! Whether you are registering a team, or signing up as an individual to be placed on a hat team, you have until April 30 to do so. If you a regular player that is joining a team already entered, make sure you register for your TUC 2008/2008 Membership now so that your captain can add you to the roster on time.
Team fees for Summer League will be $750 per team and individual fees (for those who want to register as a solo player on a hat team) are $50 per person. This year we will continue to offer improved field locations; including games at BMO Field (home of Toronto FC), Varsity Centre, Birchmount Stadium, and Downsview Park (new turf fields). Also in 2008 we are incorporating a number of changes into our Summer League format to improve the overall member experience. You can read about these on our General Summer Information page.
TUC Summer League Fast Facts:
- Teams sign up for their preferred night of the week (Mon-Thurs), preferred level (competitive, intermediate, recreational) and preferred division (west, east).
- All games are co-ed, 7-on-7 (4 males, 3 females) on fields throughout the GTA. Our central premier fields (ie. BMO, Varsity Centre, Sunnybrook) are made available to all levels/divisions.
- Games start ideally by 6:45pm, teams should begin no later than 7pm. Games go to 17 or are capped by sun down.
- Summer season begins the week of May 19 and concludes Sept 4, followed by Playoff Super Saturdays
- Games are self-officiated and governed by SPIRIT OF THE GAME
There are some limitations on our divisions so the earlier you register the better – registration and payment confirms your spot. Register online at www.tuc.org by Monday, April 30!
There are some limitations on our divisions so the earlier you register the better – registration and payment confirms your spot. Register online at www.tuc.org by Monday, April 30!
There are some limitations on our divisions so the earlier you register the better – registration and payment confirms your spot. Register online at www.tuc.org by Monday, April 30!
There are some limitations on our divisions so the earlier you register the better – registration and payment confirms your spot. Register online at www.tuc.org by Monday, April 30! |
TUC Membership 2008-2009
Your 2008 TUC membership is valid from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. This annual fee of $65 is used to cover the Club costs of our professional full-time managers, as well as membership packages and insurance coverage. A portion of the regular membership ($25) is also allocated to our ‘Future Fields Fund’ which is used to develop existing TUC fields and/or acquire new ones. All players in TUC leagues must first be a valid member of the Toronto Ultimate Club.
A new Introductory membership is also offered for brand-new players or players who have not been members within the last 3 years. This fee includes a membership package and all member privileges – there is no Field Fund contribution. This one-time annual offer is a more affordable initiation, or welcome back (!) to TUC.
For more information on TUC Membership visit our 2008 Registration Information page.
Summer League Captains MUST READ
Please have the majority (preferably ALL) of your roster players signed up for their TUC membership and on your roster as soon as possible. The deadline to have a minimum of 12 players on your roster is May 2, if you do not then your registration goes to the back of the line.
Custom team jerseys: now is the team to order team jerseys with GAIA if you are interested – it takes approx 4 weeks for the order. Visit the ‘GAIA Team Deals’ page for more info.
CAPTAINS MEETINGS: Captain’s Meetings are MANDATORY. You are responsible for attending on the corresponding night of your league games (ie. your team is registered for Wednesday nights, you come to the May 14 meeting). Meetings will take place at the Sport Alliance Building, 1185 Eglinton Ave East, in Room 3B (3rd Flr). The building is located on the south-east corner of Don Mills and Eglinton, access the building via the south entrance/parking lot. Meetings will commence at 7pm and last approximately 1 hour. Pizza and snacks are served. All Summer League matters will be discussed at this meeting and it is very important you attend. Captains will be responsible for collecting membership packages for their players at this meeting, so plan on bringing a box of discs back home with you and then distributing them at your teams’ first meeting/game. You will also pickup permit books, a free game disc, and Scallywags team card at the meeting.
Note if you are a captain on several nights you only have to attend one of the meetings so long as you provide advanced notice to the TUC staff.
TUC Surf ‘n’ Turf Spring League Update
The first two weeks on the beach have seen some beautiful weather and great participation! Starting Monday April 21 (co-ed) and Wednesday April 23 (men’s & women’s) Spring League will move from the ‘Surf’ to the ‘Turf’! Week 3 games are posted on Leaguerunner. Note this is NOT a pickup league and all players must be registered and rostered players! Please ensure your team is on and off the field at the designated schedule times. Please abide by the special instructions as indicated in the Fields List.
Co-Ed League will be 6-on-6 at BMO (4:2 gender ratio), 55 minute games. It is not speed-point but teams must substitute quickly (within 30 seconds) to ensure a quick pull after a score.
Men’s and Women’s Leagues will be 7-on-7, 2 hour game slots at BMO Field and Birchmount Stadium (leagues will alternate venues). Where possible we will have skill sessions beforehand, followed by games.
Upcoming TUC Clinics!
Here are the next two upcoming TUC Clinics. Registration for these clinics is done online.
Apr 27 @ a Eglinton Park, 3:30pm - 5:30pm - 'TEAM Clinic': Does your team struggle to get in sync? Need some help in getting the basics down? We are hosting a clinic for TUC summer/spring teams on Sunday April 27, 11:00am – the venue will be in central Toronto but it will no longer be Lamport Stadium because the venue will not be open. Captains can bring their teams down to the field for some expert instruction on basic team concepts, set plays, rule discussion, and how to play with Spirit of the Game. We will give your team the opportunity to learn some concepts TOGETHER and then try them out on the field. Cost is $5 per TUC member and $15 per non-TUC member. Everyone registers individually but you show up as a team on the day. Bring both a dark and light coloured shirt (for scrimmage) and lots of water to drink!
May 3 @ David Balfour Park, 1pm – 3:00pm – Skills, Drills, & Thrills Clinic: This is a beginner clinic and it is the perfect opportunity for new TUC members to come out and review the basics of the game. We’ll focus on throwing and catching as well as some simple game concepts and strategies. Our expert instructors will run you through drills and even include some ‘game’ action at the end. The clinic is co-ed and open to brand new players, novice players, or even intermediate level players who just want to work on their skills. Cost to participate is $5 for TUC members and registration is done online.
Email clinics@tuc.org with any further questions. See you there!
Membership Package Party – We Need Your Help!
On April 22 & 24 we are assembling our membership packages and letter mailings. We have approximately 2000 packages and letters to stuff, and we need as many helpers as possible to make it happen. Ok, so it’s not exactly a ‘party’, but we’ll provide some pizza/snacks and music and make a fun time of it. This is a great opportunity to support the Club as well as earn volunteer points which can be used in the TUC Shop or towards touring teams. What is required of you? Just a few hours of your time and a lot of enthusiasm!
The Membership Package Party will take place at the Sport Alliance Building, 1185 Eglinton Avenue East (Don Mills & Eglinton), in Room 3C. The times and dates are as follows:
Tuesday, April 22, 6pm – 9pm Thursday, April 24, 6pm-9pm
If you can help us out please contact volunteers@tuc.org and let us know when you are available to help.
- The TUC Team
Toronto Ultimate Club #703 - 1185 Eglinton Ave East Toronto, ON M3C 3C6
tel. 416-426-7175 fax. 416-426-7153 WWW.TUC.ORG