Dear TUC Member,
In This Layout:
TUC League registration is booming at an unprecedented pace, signs of a sport continuing to gain awareness and popularity, and signs of our Club delivering the excellence that you deserve! Don’t delay your registration or you may be on the outside looking in – register now!
How to Register
Registration is done online at www.tuc.org. Click the How to Register icon for instructions on how to get started. Also, check out the Leagues – 2009 Registration Information pages for more information on our memberships. For information on Spring and Summer Leagues, check out the links under ‘Leagues’.
Spring League Updates
Monday BMO Spring League is completely full. Thursday Downsview Spring League is all full, except we are still seeking two more females for the hat team.
Registration for both of our Men’s and Women’s Tuesday leagues at Cherry Beach have been slow and at the moment we do not have enough individuals to run proper leagues. We will leave registration open until Monday morning, April 6, at which point we will review the viability of each league. If there are not enough people, we will change the offering(s) to co-ed and offer a small co-ed league instead. Calling all Men’s and Women’s League players: recruit your friends and sign-up this weekend!!!
Tuesday Men's & Women's 7-on-7 Cherry Beach Leagues
Dates: Runs from Tuesday, April 14 to Tuesday, May 12 (5 weeks). Times: Games from 9:00pm - 11:00pm (Regular format 2 hour games) Location: Games at Cherry Beach Sports Fields. Full sized fields. Format: 7-on-7 regular pull format. Players assigned to teams. 4 women's teams and 4 men's teams. Level of Play: Competitive/Intermediate Cost: $45 per individual (teams will be drafted).
Spring League runs for 5 weeks. You must first be a 2009 TUC member in order to participate. Registered spring league teams and players will be contacted prior to April 10 by our convenors.
TUC Summer League Registration – Updates
Summer Registration closes Sunday, May 3, although we recommend you sign up now. Monday and Tuesday nights are now over 70% full, with Wednesday and Thursday nights over 80% full. If you delay you could end up on a waiting list, where your spot is not guaranteed. There are still individual spots remaining on all nights.
Team fees for Summer League will be $800 per team and individual fees (for those who want to register as a solo player on a hat team) are $60 per person. Summer season is 15 guaranteed games, co-ed 7-on-7, games to 17, full field. Summer League will begin the week of May 18 and conclude the week of September 7. Playoffs (optional to teams) will be on Sept 12 and 19.
We offer 3 divisions per weeknight (Monday through Thursday): Competitive, West, and East. The competitive division will contain the top teams and game locations will be across the City. West and East divisions will contain intermediate and recreational teams (sub-divisions) with all games being played in their named division (West being west of Yonge Street, East being east of Yonge Street). Divisions will be capped based on field availability. Crossover games between divisions will be made possible where applicable.
VERY IMPORTANT: there has been a change in plans this year for the 2009 Summer Captain’s Meetings. Over the past few years we have held a meeting for each night of the week that teams play, during the week that precedes the start of summer league (May 11-14). This year there will be ONE Captain’s Meeting with the location and date to be determined.
ALL WEEKNIGHT TEAMS (Monday-Thursday teams) will participate in this mandatory meeting on Wednesday May 13. Each team captain MUST attend the meeting for their team or else send a team representative who attends the meeting. Any team who does not attend the meeting will be penalized – expect the majority of your games to be on lesser desired fields if you do not attend the captains meeting… we’re serious.
At the Captain’s meeting the captains will pick up membership packages for their teammates (mandatory), permit books to assist them at games, FREE captain’s t-shirts from VC, and most importantly they will participate in a presentation on Summer League by our manager and convenors. The information presented at this meeting is vital to your summer league experience, and unique from years past, so you do not want to miss it.
More details on the captain’s meeting will be emailed to registered captains in the near future.
CLINICS on April 6 – Last Chance to Register!
Registration closes this Sunday April 5 for our Boot Camp Clinic at Varsity Centre on Monday April 6. This is a special two-hour, indoor boot camp in the entire Varsity Centre Dome at U of T, and it’s your chance to get firsthand tips and training from some of the top touring players in Ontario. We’ll be running single gender sessions side-by-side, with beginner and intermediate levels for each. We’ll have a high ratio of coaches to participants so it’s a great learning opportunity.
Registration is by individual only, and done online through the TUC site. Cost is $15 per TUC member, or $25 per non-TUC member. Here’s what to expect:
Date: Monday, April 6 Times: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Location: Varsity Centre Cost: $15 per TUC member, $25 per non-TUC member
Any questions email clinics@tuc.org
Partners for 2009
SWEET TEAM JERSEY DEALS…FREE BEER PRIZING…KILLER DISCS….. AND HALF-PRICED GRUB?!?! Sounds like a pretty good partner line-up for TUC in 2009!
We are pleased to announce two new partners for 2009, as well the renewal of two great partners from 2008. We’ll be sharing more on these sponsors shortly, but to give a brief introduction:
VC Ultimate is the new ‘Preferred Apparel’ of the Toronto Ultimate Club. They’ll be offering the sweetest team jersey deals yet, and all TUC members receive a free VC membership (discounts!). Visit our VC Team Deals page so that your team can take advantage of our partnership.
Discraft is a new Events Partner for TUC in 2009 and will be providing our membership discs and trophy discs this year. Visit the Discraft Discs page to see their ad.
Steam Whistle Brewery is back in 2009 to sponsor our Spirit recognition and league awards, as well as present our Boat Bash on May 30! Visit www.steamwhistle.ca
Scallywags returns for its 3rd season as a TUC Pub Partner. All TUC summer teams receive 50% off of team meals (min groups of 8, valid summer league only). Scallywags will once again be sponsoring the Scally’s Cup All-Star Game in 2009. Visit the pub at Yonge & St. Clair!
Also, don’t forget to check out our Health Check pages for all of your physio/chiro/massage needs! We have some great partners who support TUC so if you are in need of some physical therapy look them up!
Hadiya Roderique
is the March Volunteer of the Month.
Hadiya Roderique is the March ’09 Volunteer of the Month. ‘Dee’ was the driving force behind our recent Women’s Intermediate Tournament, which was a big success and one that we hope to do again. She helped find venue time, develop the itinerary, recruit coaches, coordinate logistics and run the show! It is because of great volunteers like Hadiya that we are able to promote and develop women’s ultimate, and a big reason why the ladies scene in Toronto is so strong! A big thanks to Hadiya and all of her supporting Lotus teammates who ran a fabulous event.
Each V.O.M. will receive $50 Scally’s Dollars that can be used towards any purchase at Scallywags.

Women’s Intermediate Tournament A Huge Success |
On March 28 TUC hosted a Women’s Intermediate Tournament at the Docks, in conjunction with top touring players from team Lotus. The event was full and featured proper warm-ups, brief clinic sessions, and games. A big thanks goes out to the Lotus ladies and Hadiya Roderique (see March V.O.M.). Also congrats to the team MVP’s and Spirit MVP’s from the tournament. Each received great prizes from our friends at VC Ultimate: |
Spirit Hat Tournament |
All TUC members are invited to the Spirit Hat Tournament on Saturday May 30. The Spirit Hat tournament is an opportunity to gain an in depth understanding of Spirit of the Game (SOTG) which is vital to the game. A Spirit Clinic is held in the morning. This involves an explanation of SOTG, group discussions on how to demonstrate and improve spirit, followed by role-playing. Experienced players share their knowledge with less experienced players and all have the chance to demonstrate their spirit in several games. Some games include Spirit challenges and unique rules. The tournament will be followed that night by the Steam Whistle Boat Bash (see below)!
The tournament will feature some amazing prizes courtesy of our sponsors. Prizes will include Steam Whistle beer and hoodies (must be 19+), VC hats and gear, and the grand-daddy of them all: one tournament Spirit MVP will receive a 5-day dog sled trip for two courtesy of www.borealjourneys.com. This adventure is valued at over $3000!!! Registration for the Spirit Hat Tournament is now open at www.tuc.org. The event is FREE to TUC members and $15 per non-TUC member. We encourage all beginners and all teams/players with Spirit ‘concerns’ to attend.
Steam Whistle Boat Bash |
Ah-Hoy ladies and gents! The Steam Whistle Summer Kickoff Bash will take place on Saturday, May 30, 2009. Don’t miss this opportunity for trip-tastic, boat-bonding amongst the islands of Toronto Harbour. Support your club, kick it with your huck-buddies and take in the high seas hi-jinx. View the poster to see more details and be sure to pass it along!
Tickets must be purchased in advance through social@tuc.org or individual tickets will be available for online purchase at www.tuc.org. Must be 19 years of age or older. Open to TUC members and their friends. Spots are limited!
Be Ultimate! |
Don’t forget to check out our Be Ultimate! page which details our stewardship in the community and some things that we can do to help keep Toronto greener.
Annual TUC Field Clean-Up Day: Saturday April 25, at Riverdale Park In conjunction with Mayor David Miller’s community makeover program and Earth Day, TUC does its part to help keep our City clean. Each spring we visit a local City park and clean it up, giving back to the community and fostering a clean fields philosophy for our players. In previous years we have visited Flemingdon Park, Cedarvale Park, and Rosehill Reservoir. In 2009 we will visit Riverdale Park, a TUC favourite. We are looking for volunteers to join us from 10am-12pm at Riverdale Park East on April 25. Volunteers will receive point credits towards the TUC Shop or their touring teams, plus you are helping a great cause. If you would like to sign-up and volunteer please email volunteers@tuc.org