Summer League registration is now open. Summer Leagues begin the week of May 20th and run through to the first week of September. We offer weeknight leagues, Monday to Thursday for all skill levels, plus Sunday Masters League and Juniors Leagues.
Online registration for Summer leagues is open until May 3.
Summer League information is now posted on our Summer League General Info page and our Summer League Registration page.
The Captain’s meeting will be held at 7pm Thursday May 16th, at Whistlers Grille. This meeting is for ALL weeknight summer teams. Each team captain MUST attend the meeting or send a team rep. Any team who does not send a representative will be penalized – expect the majority of your games to be on lesser desired fields if you do not attend the captains meeting!
Read further for the details on Summer Leagues.
Beginners, Intermediate and Advance levels

The Toronto Ultimate Club will be holding a skills clinic for all levels at Lamport Stadium on May 5th from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Players of all ages, gender and skill levels are invited to register for this event as we will be covering everything from the basics of throwing a disc to advance techniques of man coverage. Come out and learn the game from the top ultimate players in the city.
Don't miss out and REGISTER NOW!

Read further on the upcoming Pre-Season Clinic.
Toronto, April 12, 2013 – The Toronto Ultimate Club (TUC) is thrilled to announce its new logo! This logo will serve as the official logo for the TUC and replaces the previously used versions.
After several months of soliciting many submissions, requesting revisions from designers, and reviewing the finalists, the recommendation was made by the TUC Board to move forward with a design crafted by Hazel Tenefrancia. The design is simple for branding purposes but it is also modern and professional. It easily conveys the sport of the Ultimate and the fact that we are a Club. The logo is also eye-catching and fun! Plus it was designed by a TUC member. A big thanks goes out to Hazel for all of her time and effort. As well we would like to thank all of the designers who submitted logo concepts to the Club – we had some great options to choose from.

Read further on the unveiling of TUC's new Logo.
Monday Night Pickup will be regular pull format with just under 2 hours of game time, so basically just like summer league! All players will sign up on the BBS prior to 5pm on game day - the appropriate male and female BBS signup threads will be posted on the website on the prior Friday at 12pm. There will be 2 fields for pickup. We are aiming to host single gender pickup on each field (1 male game, 1 female game), however in the event that we do not have enough of one gender to fulfill a single gender game, we will host at least 1 co-ed game and one other game - to be determined on a case-by-case basis. All players will be required to pay the convenor on-site prior to the game (no pay, no play).
- Dates: Runs from Monday, April 29 to Monday, May 13 (4 weeks, each week is optional)
- Times: Games from 7:00pm - 8:55pm, (full games)
- Location: All games at Varsity Centre. Full sized fields.
- Format: 7-on-7 co-ed regular pull format. SINGLE GENDER with possibility of Co-ed
- Level of Play: All levels of play.
- Cost: $10 per individual and you must pay the on-site convenor prior to game time. All individuals will be placed on a team. Non-TUC members welcome!
Read further more info on Monday Pickup at Varsity Centre.