Dear {first_name},
In This Layout:

New Juniors Participation Policy & Revised Juniors Waiver
The Toronto Ultimate Club greatly values its Junior players and works to foster an environment that protects the physical and emotional well-being of players under the age of 19. The Club has developed a new policy that addresses this value: The TUC Juniors Participation Policy.
We ask all Junior-aged players, as well as adult league teams with junior-aged players, to review this document. Note that since Summer League has already begun it would be difficult to enforce on teams with existing Junior players (we don’t want to gouge any rosters). However, this policy will be in full effect from Fall League and onwards. All adult teams with Junior-aged players must adhere to the policy rules and ensure that each Junior player is accounted for by a Responsible Adult.
As well, the TUC 2010 Juniors Waiver has been revised. Any Junior player who has already submitted a waiver is not required to do anything further. However, any Junior player who is new or has yet to submit their waiver MUST SUBMIT THE NEW REVISED VERSION, which can be found here. Thank you for your cooperation!
Spirit Winners Round 2
In 2010, TUC continues to award top spirited teams with prizing courtesy of our friends at Steam Whistle Brewery. After the second 5 weeks of the summer season, all of the top SOTG teams are eligible, and one winner from each league night was drawn. Each winning team receives a case of Steam Whistle beer for their exemplary spirit. The winning teams for the second round of summer 2010 are:
Monday League: Superfreaks Tuesday League: Drastic Plastic Wednesday League: TNT Thursday League: The Noble Platypus
Congrats to our round 2 winners and all of our summer teams for their continued Spirit!
Good Luck at Nationals!
The Canadian Ultimate Championships are taking place this week, August 12 – 15, in Sherbrooke, QC. TUC would like to extend its best wishes to the following Toronto teams who will be vying for the title of National Champion:
Open: Grand Trunk, ROY
Women’s: Lotus, Lily
Mixed: Monster, Tundra, Big Hammers
Junior: Overdrive
Masters: Fuel
TUC Fall League Registration Opens August 16!
Registration for TUC Fall League opens this Monday August 16. TUC Fall Leagues begin in mid-September (outdoor) and early October/November (indoor). Be sure to sign up quickly as there are limited spots per league – registration and payment confirm your spot and all registration is done online.
We have outdoor offerings on 4 NIGHTS and indoor offerings on 3 NIGHTS this Fall. For a complete list of our offerings and updates, visit our Fall Indoor Leagues and Fall Outdoor Leagues pages on the TUC web site.
Start Date
End Date
Game Times
Fall Outdoor |
Outdoor Co-ed Mondays
(7’s, speedpoint
Monday, September 13
Monday, October 25
(7 wks total)
Games from 9 – 11pm
(55 min games)
$375 per team, or $35 per individual
Lamport Stadium (all turf)
Outdoor Men’s League-Mondays
(7’s, speedpoint
Monday, September 13
Monday, October 25
(7 wks total)
Games from 7:30 – 9:30pm
(55 min games)
$375 per team, or $35 per individual
Cherry Beach (all turf)
Outdoor Co-Ed Tuesdays
(7’s speedpoint, (High Int/Competitive)
Tuesday, September 14
Wednesday, October 26
(7 wks total)
Games from 7 - 9pm
(55 min games)
$375 per team, or $35 per individual
Downsview, Park (all turf)
Outdoor Co-Ed Thursdays
(7’s, speedpoint, (RECREATIONAL & Low Int)
Thursday, September 16
Wednesday, October 28
(7 wks total)
Games from 7 – 10pm (55 min games)
$375 per team, or $35 per individual player
Cherry Beach (all turf)
Outdoor Co-Ed Sundays (7’s regular point,
Recreational/Int/ Competitive)
Sunday, September 19
Sunday, November 7
(7 wks total)
Games from 12 - 8pm (80 min. games)
$250 per team, or $25 per individual
Crescent, Cherry Beach UCC, LPCI, CI, West TCI,
Bloor CI
Fall Indoor |
INDOOR Co-Ed Thursdays – Individuals Only (6’s, Int/Comp)
Thursday, September 30
Thursday, December 16
(12 wks total)
Games from 7pm – 12am (70 min games)
$155 per individual (we draft teams, two tiers)
Downsview Hangar
INDOOR Co-Ed Mondays at
Lamport Stadium
(6’s, ELITE/Comp /High Int)
Monday, November 8
Monday, January 17,
(10 wks total)
Games from 7pm – 12am
(55 min games)
$1450 per team, or $145 per individual
Lamport Stadium
INDOOR Co-Ed Mondays at Lamport Stadium
(6’s, Recreational /Low Int)
Monday, November 8
Monday, January 17,
(10 wks total)
Games from 7pm – 12am
(55 min games)
$1450 per team, or $145 per individual
Lamport Stadium
INDOOR Co-Ed Tuesdays at Lamport Stadium
(6’s, Recreational/ Intermediate)
Tuesday, November 9
Tuesday, January 18,
(10 wks total)
Games from 9pm – 12am
(55 min games)
$1450 per team, or $145 per individual
Lamport Stadium
INDOOR Co-ed Sundays at UCC
6’s, Intermediate
Sunday, November 21 or 28 (TBD)
January 16 or 23 (8 weeks total)
Games from 6 – 11pm (55 min games)
$1150 per team, or $115 per individual
Upper Canada College
Summer League Playoffs
The Summer League Playoffs are just around the corner and all captains have been emailed the details. The Playoffs are OPTIONAL to TUC Summer League teams and are FREE of charge. Captains must register their teams online, and ensure that they have enough qualified players. The Monday & Tuesday Playoffs are on Saturday, September 11 and the Wednesday & Thursday Playoffs are on Saturday, September 18. Both events are at Sunnybrook Park, with games running from 8am – 8pm. Teams are placed into power pools of 8 where possible, within two divisions per night, (West & East divisions merge to form one for playoffs) and based on regular season results. Teams will play 3 games (quarters, semis, finals within their pool). The playoff atmosphere is electric as over 1000 players converge on Sunnybrook Park each Saturday!
Registration for Summer League Playoffs opens August 23. The deadline to enter your team as well as submit your playoff team roster is the Sunday night prior to playoffs (Sept 5 & 12). Deadline to withdraw and finalization of rosters is September 8 & 15.
Note that this year there is a new TUC Summer Playoff Sub Policy that will be in effect. Please also note that regular season rosters must be finalized by August 28, and all playoff participants must be TUC members, in good standing, who have played a minimum of 2 regular season games. View the League & Playoff Participation Policy for full details.
Scally's Cup – Keep the Nominations Coming!
The 3rd annual Scally’s Cup is an All-Star Challenge (sponsored by our friends at Scallywags, of course) that will showcase the top players from TUC’s summer leagues. The event will take place on Sunday, September 12, 12pm – 6pm, at Sunnybrook Park. The event will be in conjunction with our 30 Anniversary Outdoor Event (see below).
We have tentatively confirmed ROGERS TV to film coverage of Scally’s Cup action! More details to follow.
Team captains can nominate player(s) of the opposing teams that they play right up until the end of the summer. From this, we’ll create a divisional All-Star team from each League Night for two divisions – competitive and intermediate (recreational team players are eligible for intermediate division!). Captains please keep nominating opposing players when you enter your scores in Zuluru (formerly Leaguerunner). Stay tuned for more details!
TUC Annual General Meeting – Sept 29
The TUC AGM, which is the annual meeting of the membership, will take place on Wednesday, September 29, 7pm, at Scallywags (2nd Floor Meeting Rm). All TUC members are invited to attend and all members (with the exception of intro members) have voting rights at this meeting. In our next LAYOUT and on the website we will post our agenda for the meeting, which includes super-fun stuff like finance approval and by-law ratifications. There will also be the opportunity for members to bring concerns or suggestions to the table. Your opinions matter!
Become a TUC Board Member! At the AGM each year we nominate and elect new Board of Directors members. The Board of Directors meets roughly ten times per year and their mission is to help guide the Club in achieving our strategic goals and delivering quality ultimate offerings for the membership. If you are interested in being a part of this great team, email and we’ll hopefully see you at the AGM!
30 Years of Ultimate in Toronto – Get Your Early Bird Tickets Now!
Tickets are now on sale for our 30th Anniversary Gala, which takes place on Friday, October 22 at Steam Whistle Brewery, 7pm. This large celebration will include a CATERED dinner, awards ceremony, and the unveiling of the TUC 30th Anniversary documentary video, directed by Otto Chung. It will also feature memorabilia displays and the first-ever TUC Hall of Fame inductions. The first 100 early-bird tickets are $40 and when they are gone, the price will go up to $50. There will also be a party to follow at 10pm and there are $10 tickets for those who want to come just to enjoy the bands and the dancing.
*note we have already sold a bunch of tickets so get your early-bird ticket now before the price goes up!!!
Also, we will be hosting an outdoor family-oriented event on Sunday, September 12 at Sunnybrook Park, in conjunction with the Scally’s Cup All Star event. This will be a FREE event for all ages that will feature several hallmark ultimate games (legends vs. future stars, premier co-ed matchup) and will boast games for kids, displays on the history of the Club, and food and beverages will be available.
Check out our 30 Years page for all the latest.
Order your indoor event tickets now!
Time Caps for Summer League
In August and early September the sun goes down earlier, and time caps come more into play. First and foremost, start your games on time as you have limited sunlight! This means, trying to start your games BY 6:45pm, because later in the summer season you may only have until 8pm to complete your game.
Time caps will be indicated on your game schedule (ie. 6:45pm - 8:15pm). This time cap is auto generated by our system each day, based on calculated dusk times for Toronto. When you reach this time, you should complete the current point. If one team has 17 or more points and is leading by at least 2, then the game is over. Otherwise, add one point to the higher score (soft cap), and the game is over when a team reaches that score. If it gets too dark to play, please stop (tie scores are acceptable). As always, exercise good SPIRIT when confirming time caps with your opponent.
July Volunteer of the Month – Mark Tran
Mark Tran is the TUC Volunteer of the Month for July. He was a key volunteer for our Mid Season Tournament, arriving at the crack of dawn to help with setup and assisting throughout the event with score collection, water running, and member servicing. Mark also participated in the Great Canadian Ultimate Game on July 17, volunteered at the August Hat Tournament, and he plans on helping out at the playoffs.
Mark is a great example of a new member (2010) who has embraced the Club and improved his TUC experience through volunteerism.
Thanks Mark!
Support your Club by volunteering, it’s how TUC was born and how it thrives today. Contact for more information.
Each V.O.M. will receive $50 Scally’s Dollars that can be used towards any purchase at Scallywags.
August Hat Tournament Results
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Hat Tournament on August 7 at Varsity Centre! Congrats to our 6 Spirit MVP’s who received TUC meshback hats and wristbands, courtesy of our friends at VC Ultimate, as well as a disc and DVD.
Our Spirit MVP’s were David St. Bernard, Chris Davies, Hugh Bousfield, Ann Chow, Gabe Isaac, and Chelsea Jackson.
Check out pics and results from the hat tournament, via our home page article.
Teams don’t forget after your games to take advantage of our partner restaurant deals. Try to call in advance so that you can reserve a table and so that the staff can prepare for your arrival. Make sure you have a minimum of 8 teammates attending as our partners do not offer these deals to very small groups.
Scallywags – 30% off all food for teams after their game! Call ahead 416.922.3737.
Whistlers – 2-for-1 wings, and one of free garlic bread/bruschetta/mini nachos with a beer pitcher purchase. Call ahead 416.421.1344.
- August 12-15: Canadian Ultimate Championships, Sherbrooke QC
- August