Dear TUC Member,
In This Layout:
Winter League Updates - UCC & Lamport Pickup
Winter Men’s and Women’s League have now begun. Co-ed Winter UCC and Lamport Leagues begin on January 31 (UCC), and February 1-2 (Lamport).
TUC offers co-ed pickup on Wednesday nights at Upper Canada College, NOW through to March 17, 8:00 – 9:00pm each Wednesday in the UCC Dome. Also new this year, we will also offer pickup on Thursday nights at Lamport Stadium, starting February 4 through to early April. Due to the immense popularity of these offerings all players must signup for pickup on the TUC BBS. Around 12pm noon on each Wednesday or Thursday of pickup, our convenors will post a thread on the BBS (under Talk TUC League). The first set number of men and women to signup will be allowed to play that evening (18:10 for UCC, 20:12 for Lamport), and our convenors will bring the signup sheet to pickup as well as collect the appropriate fee from each player ($10 UCC, $15 Lamport, per person, per night). If you don’t show up and you are on the playing list, then you won’t be allowed to play the following week. If you don’t pay, you don’t play! We hope this helps regulate numbers and keep it as fair and fun as possible!
30 years of TUC – Call for Submissions
2010 represents a significant milestone for the Toronto Ultimate Club, as we celebrate 30 years of Ultimate Frisbee in Toronto. From its humble beginnings with just a few disc aficionados strutting their stuff on Kew Beach, to the thousands of players playing every night on facilities throughout the city, the game of Ultimate has aged beautifully in our great city. In 2010 the Toronto Ultimate Club will reflect on the great history of our sport and the evolution of the Club through 30 years. To learn more and get updates throughout the year, visit our 30 Years of TUC page on the website.
TUC is making a showcase commemorative video on the history or TUC through the 80’s, 90’s and new millennium. The video, produced by member Otto Chung, will document the early origins of the Club and follow its growth and chronology to where it is today. While we have completed our interviews we are still seeking:
- Old photographs and video of TUC events, TEAMS, members, games, etc
- Old Club documents from key volunteers or members (posters, admin papers)
Please take the few minutes necessary to dig up those old photos or videos, and/or send us an email regarding your contribution. Every little bit goes towards a great celebration in 2010!
Got something to share with TUC for its 30th anniversary? Email
Happy New Year from your TUC Managers!
Our Club managers Jason Robinson (GM), and Ian Brooks, Member Services Coordinator, wish you a Happy New Year. We’re nearing the conclusion of our 2009-2010 season and we’re on the brink of the 30th anniversary of ultimate in Toronto! It’s going to be a great year of both reflection and progress. Our managers are here to serve you, the TUC member, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need anything!
We’ve already begun planning for 2010 and we look forward to announcing our new projects and partners. To get a head start on the year visit our Events Calendar for tentative dates on TUC events in 2010.
Beginner Clinic Today, Clinics In January
Last chance to register for our beginner clinic this Thursday! This is a beginner clinic, and the perfect opportunity for newer players to come out and review the basics of the game, or even intermediate level players who just want to work on their skills. Cost to participate is $10 for TUC members and $20 per non-TUC member. To participate in today's clinic contact the TUC Office at 647-345-8105.
We’re also offering two additional Thursday Lamport clinics the following weeks, in progressive format to appeal to various skill levels and help ulty players enhance their skills quickly. Pick one or several to participate in, sign up online now!
Jan. 14th – Beginner Clinic – 7-9pm, Lamport Stadium
If you’re a newcomer to the game, looking to establish strong individual skills in throwing, catching, cutting and defending, this clinic is for you.
Session description:
Quick intro and Q+A – 5 min
Warmup and dynamic stretches – 15 min
Throwing and catching skills – 25 min
Cutting and clearing skills – 25 min
Person-to-person defense – 20 min
Scrimmage! – 30 min
Jan. 21st – Recreational Clinic – 7-9pm, Lamport Stadium
Got the basics down? Then recreational level is for you, where you’ll learn more about stacking, basic strategies, and most importantly, how to play together as a team.
Session description:
Quick intro and Q+A – 5 min
Warmup and dynamic stretches – 15 min
Throwing and catching skills – 25 min
Cutting and clearing skills – 15 min
Vertical stack offense and corresponding defense – 30 min
Scrimmage! – 30 min
Jan. 28th – Intermediate Clinic – 7-9pm, Lamport Stadium
By now you’re fully addicted, and you want to play more competitively! Join us at our intermediate clinics, and learn more about advanced drills, offensive and defensive techniques, and game theory.
Session description:
Quick intro and Q+A – 5 min
Warmup and dynamic stretches – 15 min
Advanced marking/defensive skills – 25 min
Horizontal stack offense and corresponding defense – 45 min
Scrimmage! – 30 min
Cost for all clinics: $10 per TUC member, $20 per non-TUC member. You must register online in order to participate.
Catch the Spirit! – 6th Annual High School Indoor Tournament
The Toronto Ultimate Club is hosting its 6th annual “Catch the Spirit” tournament for high school teams on Thursday February 25 & Friday February 26, 2010. CTS is a co-ed 6-on-6 indoor tourney that promotes Spirit and Ultimate development at the youth level.
The tournament has two divisions – the ‘B’ division (beginner/novice teams) will play only on Thursday February 25 and is limited to 16 teams. The ‘A’ division (mid-level/experienced teams) will play only on Friday February 26 and is limited to 16 teams. Registration is already open and a whole bunch of spots are already taken! Spots go on a first-come first-serve basis.
TUC is putting out a call to anyone who would like to volunteer for this great event. As well, if you know of any schools who may be interested, please let them know about “Catch the Spirit!” by sending this LAYOUT or referring them to the CTS section on our website.
Fall Indoor League Champions
Congratulations to our Thursday Fall Indoor League Champions! Congrats to 'Shark Week' who won in the competitive division finals, and 'Oh My Cod!' who were victorious in the intermediate division final. Each team received trophy discs from our friends at Discraft, and Shark Week will have their name emblazoned on the John Harris Hogtown Winter Indoor Disc Livestock Trophy.
Competitive Champs 'Shark Week' |
Intermediate Champs 'Oh My Cod' |
Good luck to all Fall Indoor UCC and Lamport League teams who are wrapping up their seasons in January.
Land Committee – Join Us!
Are you tired of playing games in far-to-reach places? Are you tired of the field quality in the City of Toronto? Wanna have your say? Then join our Land Committee! We are seeking members who are passionate about TUC fields and who are willing to lend a bit of time to help make them better. In early February we are hosting our first 2010 Land Committee meeting and we hope to see you there. If you are interested in participating contact
2009 Volunteer of the Year – Greg Schmidt
Greg is TUC's webmaster and we are blessed to have a volunteer like him support our Club. He puts in a record number of volunteer hours each year and often communicates with our managers on a daily basis to help with tech needs and improvements on the site. He also contributes at events and is always offerings suggestions on how to improve our leagues to enhance the member experience. It would be hard to measure the value of what Greg has done for the Club in the past few years on either a nominal or personal scale. He has been a backbone for TUC and we thank Greg for the many things he has done to make TUC a great Club!
Are you interested in volunteering for TUC committees or helping out with player development? Contact
Each V.O.M. will receive $50 Scally’s Dollars that can be used towards any purchase at Scallywags.
On December 5 TUC hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation Night. Approximately 60 volunteers joined us for a free 4-team ulty tournament at the Docks (check out Otto’s Youtube video), followed by a pub celebration afterwards.
We honoured our Volunteer of the Year as well as six volunteers who went above and beyond in 2009. They are Andrew Hunter, Mike Lane, Ian Lee, Nat Fitzgerald, Gerald Quon, and Otto Chung. For a detailed description of their contributions visit our home page article.
Whistlers Winter Indoor Leagues Specials
Whistlers Grille offers Team Specials for all of our Fall & Winter Indoor Leagues! Here are the specials as well as the Whistlers menu. Take your team to Whistlers Grille after the game and tell them you are from TUC!
TUC 2009 Pie Plate Is Here!
The 2009 Pie Plate, our annual souvenir magazine and look back on the year in TUC for 2009, is now available online! Click here to view the Pie Plate. Limited hard copies will be made available at the TUC office or upcoming TUC events, after February 1.
This year’s Pie Plate undertaking was driven by our Member Services Coordinator Ian Brooks. Ian’s goal was to produce the most visual and content laden magazine yet, and his hard work has produced a masterpiece! Thanks to Ian as well as all volunteers who contributed such great articles.
Ultimate Canada Magazine Issue #4
Ultimate Canada Magazine Issue #4 has hit the bookstands and boy is it a good one! Check out highlights and pics from the 2009 Canadian Ultimate Championships, the 2009 University Championships, and some great resources on cutting, junk defenses, and more!