Dear TUC Member,
• Announcement Regarding Cleats on Cricket Fields • Membership Packages • Action Packed May • Volunteer Of The Month • Upcoming Tournaments • Rosters • Summer Pickup • Bad Weather • 2007 Rogers Cup
Announcement Regarding Cleats on Cricket Fields
We are writing you in response to a growing number of concerns and complaints regarding the issue of cleats and cricket fields. At our Captain’s meetings in mid-May we asked Captain’s to impose the ‘no-cleat’ rule at a few fields where we host TUC games. The rule is simple: TUC players are not allowed to wear cleats on Sunnybrook or G. Ross Lord cricket fields (cricket fields only, cleats on other fields are acceptable). Acceptable footwear includes running shoes or turf shoes (the G4 Indoor Shoe is ok), but shoes with studs, blades, or other cleat forms are not acceptable.
The reason for imposing this rule is simple. The City of Toronto has specifically asked us not to wear cleats on cricket fields. Cricket fields are cut shorter than normal sport grass surfaces and are more susceptible to damage caused by cleats. Cricket teams and players, who are generally perturbed by our presence on the fields, actively complain to the City when they feel that their playing surface is being damaged. The City recognizes that the priority use of those fields is for cricket games and has increasingly reinforced their stance on this issue, to the point that continued cleat use on cricket fields will result in the removal of sport groups from those fields. Furthermore, such an incident does not put us in good stead with the City and jeopardizes other permits that the City grants us. We must adhere to the City rules to protect the fields as well as protect our strong status with Parks & Recreation.
While some may not agree with this rule we ask you to look at the big picture and understand why we must impose the no-cleat rule on cricket fields. Our players demand better playing locations and quality surfaces and cricket fields are part of our efforts to provide that. Overall we feel that players would prefer to play the odd game at Sunnybrook cricket (great location, premier quality) as opposed to another game in a more remote location. We have made this decision in the best interest of our overall membership and the overall field layout for TUC.
This rule is not flexible or negotiable. The City’s stance is black-and-white and so too must be the rules that we declare to our membership. All TUC members have agreed to abide by all TUC policies when they signed the Code of Conduct in their membership registration. Specifically the Code of Conduct states:
5. I will respect the playing field. I understand that if my actions, or those of my teammates, jeopardize TUC's access to field permits, my team faces suspension from the league, and perhaps even expulsion without refund. 6. I will abide by all TUC policies. As a member of the Toronto Ultimate Club, I agree to abide by all club policies. I understand that these policies are there for the benefit of all members, including myself, and address a variety of issues such as community relations, player safety, spirit of the game, and league structure & administration. I understand that violations of these policies will be investigated and disciplinary measures will be applied to my team.
Any team or member who disregards this rule or any other rule of the TUC faces the possibility of disciplinary action. Any team who knowingly abuses this rule will be sanctioned. Any member who blatantly refuses to adhere to this rule will also be sanctioned. As well, additional team sanctions will be applied to any team who allows one or more of its members to disregard the rules.
Teams who are reported (with validation) to have violated the no-cleat rule will face the following sanctions, at the discretion of the General Manager and League Convenors:
- Teams will have their games recorded as a default/loss. Note that both teams can be given a default/loss.
- Teams will be removed from scheduling consideration for preferred TUC fields for the remainder of the TUC Summer Season. Therefore if you violate the no-cleat rule at Sunnybrook cricket your team should not expect to play at any Sunnybrook field again this season.
- Teams or individuals may be subject to further sanctions such as exclusion from tournaments or playoffs, team suspension, or team expulsion.
Our Club strives hard to provide equitable and non-biased field sharing, as well as juggle many variables in our scheduling. Teams may request to not play on a no-cleat field, however it is not guaranteed and such a request may result in your absence from a park altogether. Therefore if a team requests to not play on Sunnybrook cricket, there is a possibility that no games will be scheduled at Sunnybrook Park in general.
We realize that there are many varying opinions on this topic and we have taken them into consideration. Ultimately, two solutions were available to us: A) Clearly define and enforce the rule; or B) Remove the rule altogether and face the consequences. While solution B might initially please some players, it would only be a temporary gain that would result in long term damage to our field status. In addition, our Board of Directors work very hard to establish rules and policies that benefit the greater good for TUC members and we have always felt that this rule exemplifies that.
Please remember; playing with Spirit not only embodies respect for your teammates and opponents, but also the playing field, the City, and your fellow TUC members. We thank you for your feedback and understanding on this matter and we hope that you enjoy the rest of the Summer Season!
No More Mailings!
We have completed the initial phase of membership package distribution, with over 2000 packages already disseminated to players via their captains (thanks so much captains!!!). If you have not yet received your membership package it is because either a) your captain has not yet picked up the team info; b) your captain has your package but has not yet distributed it to you; or c) you signed up after the captain’s meeting and therefore were not on the original list. We encourage you to check with your captain first for your package, and if he/she does not have it then come see us. You can pick-up your TUC membership package at the TUC office during regular business hours or at one of these upcoming events:
TUC Summer Experience, June 16-17: We are hosting a NEW tournament on June 16-17 at Sunnybrook Park. This tournament will feature a mixed touring team division as well as a TUC Summer Team and Hat team division. Membership packages will be available for pickup.
Mid-Season Tournament, July 21-22: This weekend tournament at Sunnybrook is free to TUC teams and is an absolute blast! We will make membership packages available at this event.
What happens if you don’t pick up your package? Packages will be made available to the membership until the Mid-Season Tournament (July 21-22). For any packages that are not picked up at that point, we will donate the SOTG discs to school programs. The exceptions are late summer registrants and Fall League players.
Any team or member who disregards this rule or any other rule of the TUC faces the possibility of disciplinary action. Any team who knowingly abuses this rule will be sanctioned. Any member who blatantly refuses to adhere to this rule will also be sanctioned. As well, additional team sanctions will be applied to any team who allows one or more of its members to disregard the rules.Our Club strives hard to provide equitable and non-biased field sharing, as well as juggle many variables in our scheduling. Teams may request to not play on a no-cleat field, however it is not guaranteed and such a request may result in your absence from a park altogether. Therefore if a team requests to not play on Sunnybrook cricket, there is a possibility that no games will be scheduled at Sunnybrook Park in general.
Aside from clinics and captains meetings TUC hosted 3 amazing events in the month of May. The Juniors Ultimate Spring Tournament boasted 20 high school teams and Aurora High School took home the Championship. Dr. Denison Secondary of Newmarket and Etobicoke CI were voted Most Spirited Teams. Visit our J.U.S.T results page for more info.
This year our Ultimate Long Weekend (ULW) had GREAT weather and the result was some truly memorable Ultimate, gamesmanship, and late night shenanigans. A big thanks to our friends from Newfoundland & Labrador who made the trip and a big congrats to Godzilla who won the championship game. Peter Jamieson of Magician’s Alliance and Jennifer Guy of Mutiny won the Male and Female Spirit MVP’s respectively. For photos from the event visit this link.
We also hosted the TUC Summer Season Kickoff Party at the Madison Pub on Friday, May 25. Around 150 people attended and the place was rocking by midnight! This one put our Social Events on a new level so you definitely do NOT want to miss the next one! A big thanks to the Social Committee, our ‘clutch’ volunteers, the Madison Pub, Hilton Family Hotels, Xilarate, and GAIA. Check out these photos from the event.
Our handy sideline camera man, Craig Stephen, has all of his 2007 TUC photos on a web page. Visit either of the above photo links, and then click on various events in the top menu for additional photos. If you like Craig’s work and are interested in the services of a great photographer, visit
The TUC Team
For May is Ann Chow!
May 2007 marks the first presentation of TUC's new Volunteer of the Month award. The recipient is Ann Chow. Ann contributed several evenings in May fine tuning one of our TUC teams as a coach for a day, and the Cedarvale revitalization project couldn't have happened without her.
Thanks, Ann!
The 2007 Volunteer of the Month awards are brought to you by Scallywags Bar & Restaurant. Each Volunteer of the Month receives $50 Scally's Dollars that can be used towards any purchase at Scallywags!
TUC Summer Experience June 16-17
We are hosting a NEW tournament on June 16-17 at Sunnybrook Park! This tournament will feature a mixed touring team division as well as a Recreational Division. The Recreational Division is filling up very quickly – only a few TUC team spots remain! Online registration and payment confirm your spot. Cost to participate for TUC summer teams are $150 per team and cost per hat player (must be a TUC member) is $15. The tournament will run all weekend and each TUC team will be guaranteed a minimum of 5 full games. The usual tournament goodies will be available as well as some great prizing! Click here to go to registration now.
Mid-Season Tournament July 21 - 22, 2007 Registration is now open!
The Toronto Ultimate Club's 2007 Mid-Season classic is a great opportunity for all TUC members and teams to test their skills against players from other TUC nights & divisions, and to prepare for the second half of the TUC Summer season and the drive to the playoffs. What better way is there to spend a summer weekend than enjoying some spirited Ultimate with your fellow TUC members!
This is one of the largest tournaments of the year with over 30 teams participating and our friends from GAIA, Daredevil, AMCARE, and Xilarate on site to share their product knowledge with you. Not to mention the usual TUC tournament amenities (bagels, fruit, water) will be provided.
TUC’s 2007 Mid-Season Tournament will take place on Saturday and Sunday, July 21 & 22. All games will be played at beautiful SUNNYBROOK PARK. The tournament is free of charge to all TUC members and $15 for non-members (team captains will be asked to confirm team rosters). The tournament follows the league format, as all teams must be Coed (4/3-3/4). Each team is guaranteed 6 games over the weekend, games starting at 9 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Entries for full TUC teams only will be accepted.
Registration is now open. The deadline for registration is Monday, July 16, 2007.
Don’t Forget to Update Your Rosters
Teams have met the necessary criteria (minimum 12 rostered players) to begin the season, but that does not mean your roster cannot be improved. Please be sure to add all latecomers and new recruits to your rosters once they join the team. All team players must be registered TUC members.
The deadline for summer playoff rosters is August 4. As determined in the Captain’s meetings, a hard roster count will be enforced on the top ranked teams participating (top 16 teams for each weeknight). We will allow TUC sub players or merging of TUC teams (TBD) for lower level teams who want to participate in the playoffs.
Every Friday and Sunday |
Every Sunday from 2:30 – 5:30pm all TUC members are welcome to come on out and play pickup. We will play at Riverdale Park East (or move to Riverdale West if there is too much traffic). Pickup is completely informal and voluntary, but lots of fun.
Also starting June 1, Friday pickup will also be available at Riverdale East throughout the summer, from 6:30pm each night. See you there!
Paul Dal Bianco asks:
QUESTION 1 - Positioning on a floating disc.
This happens often on a long pass where the throw is too high and the disc floats down to the intended target (X) and a defender (Y). Is it a foul for player X to establish a position between the opponent Y and where the disc is coming down. Or, is player X obligated to establish a position directly under the disc.
Something like this.
- YX
- YX
I have considered this good positioning as long as Player X does not impede Player Y from going around him/her to get to the disc.
UPA 11th Edition Rule XVII.A says:
Positioning: Each player is entitled to occupy any position on the field not occupied by an opposing player, unless specifically overridden elsewhere, provided that no personal contact is caused in taking such a position.
So yes it is good positioning for X to place himself between Y and the disc. As long as X gets to the position first, makes no contact to get to the position and does not impedes Y's ability to go around you.
If you have a rule you want cleared up right here in the layout email
Raining Outside? Not Sure if you are Playing Your Games?
To check your game status on game days call our TUC Weather Hotline – 416.426.7432 – any time after 3:30pm each day. If games are canceled we will indicate it on the hotline, as well as post a warning on the home page by 3:30pm. If games are not canceled, play on! If you experience inclement weather during your games it is at the discretion of the captains to make the call – view our Bad Weather Policy and our Game Cancelation Policy for more details.
TUC Discounts are Back!
The best in the world of women’s tennis will invade Toronto this summer. From August 11-19, the Rogers Cup presented by American Express will be held at the world-class Rexall Centre at York University.
As a member of the Toronto Ultimate Club you are invited to join the excitement at significant savings: 30% OFF PRIME LOWER BOWL SILVER, 25% OFF LOWER BOWL BRONZE and 20% OFF LEVEL 300 seats.
To order: Log onto and use your group access code TUC0-5749456 to order tickets at group discounted prices. You can also contact Tennis Canada Group Sales at 1-877-2TENNIS ext. 4306 or send an email to
Please see the attached PDF for more details.