The madness has begun Folks, |
Hello, and welcome to March! February has come and gone and spring is just around the corner. Let the madness begin! TUC has many events planned throughout March, beginning with membership registration and ending with Spring League registration. There are also separate men's and women's hat tournaments, and the "Catch the Spirit" Ultimate Festival, all of which were posted and filled within a week or less. This certainly says that players have spring fever. "Snowplate", Sudbury's annual event, is this coming weekend. Winter indoor continues and TUC is throwing a St. Patrick's Day party at the Skydome (Rogers Dome) Hardrock Cafe. You can find details about all these events by interacting with TUC's 2005 calendar (click below). |
Lindsay Bolton - Member Services Coordinator
Here we grow again. TUC is proud to welcome to the team, Lindsay Bolton as Member Services Coordinator. Lindsay will assist the GM in day to day operations and be available to the membership as our point person for all member inquiries, scheduling and scoring issues and any general issues or concerns. To reach Lindsay by telephone call 416-426-7175 or by email at
TUC Contacts
Once again it's time to renew your TUC membership and registration officially opens today, MARCH 1st. With this year's membership, every member will receive a complimentary TUC-branded Original Frisbee® Disc and DVD, VC's Classic Quick Dry jersey, a membership card offering various discounts and deals, plus the rules, the latest edition of Pie Plate and maybe some other goodies. These will all be mailed to you in a single package prior to the start of the summer season. We'd like to remind you that it is important to enter correct data into the registration system. In particular, entering a false address means that you won't be receiving any of these goodies. As the saying goes, 'garbage in - garbage out'. We don't sell or rent any of our members' information. Check out the 'TUC Privacy Policy' under 'About TUC' on our home page.
Volunteer Incentives
TUC is a volunteer-driven organization and we continually need people to help out with events and on-going tasks. You can indicate your willingness to help out by checking all the appropriate boxes in the volunteers section of the membership registration form. We are setting up an incentive program to reward volunteers, including an end-of-season appreciation dinner. Details of this program and volunteer opportunities will be posted to the web site shortly.
Checkout which schools are involved!
'Catch the Spirit' Ultimate Festival takes placeMarch 2ndat the Hangar for Junior teams from around the GTA. This is a tournament and clinic day and is the 1st of many more to come. "If you build on your grassroots, your sport will have a life of it's own."
SNOWPLATE 2005 March 5 & 6th marks the weekend for SNOWPLATE 2005, Sudbury's annual event. Speaking of Sudbury, we recently received a request from Tracy Ross whose looking for some Ultimate help. Here's the query Sudbury Ultimate Club would like to hold a skills clinic in May. Would it be possible to have some TUC players come up to lead this? Men or women? Our league and profile is growing but we have a shortage of skilled players. This would be a great opportunity to help the sport in Northern Ontario. Our SNOWPLATE tourney is this weekend, and I'd love to be able to announce dates at that time.
Thanks for getting back to me. Best regards, Tracy (Sudbury Ultimate Club).
I'm sure that one or some of our fine members is willing to help out! If you are please contact Tracy at 705-675-6405 or at the email address above, they will reward $$
Lotus Women's Hat Tournament Sunday, March 13th - 1 to 5 PM This event is full but you're welcome to come and watch, and learn more about women's touring.
St. Patricks Day Party and AIRBORNE DVD screening - Thursday, March 17th
Come on out and raise some cheer and have a blast at TUC's first ever St. Paddy's Day Party at the Hard Rock Cafe Skydome (Rogers Centre). This event will be the official TUC screening of the new DVD - AIRBORNE the UPA 2004 Championsips. Copies available to purchase and win! FREE Food will be served between 7 and 10 PM. This venue will only hold so many, YOU MUST RSVP RSVP HERE |
Men's Hat Tourney Saturday, March 19th - 9 AM to 1 PM This event is also full but you're welcome to come and watch, and learn more about men's touring.
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See who's signed up, or sign-up yourself REMINDER The registration for the Ultimate Long Weekend (ULW) is open and doesn't cost anything. We've done it this way so that we can gauge interest and list the teams that are coming. You won't want to miss out on this event. Down payments of $40 will be required soon thereafter, with the balance of $125 due on site in May.
I Want To Learn to Spin STYLIN' Ever tried to spin a disc on your finger? Want to learn to do fancy catches and tricks? Here's your chance......GET 2 Discs for the price of 1, that's right - a Frisbee® Freestyle Disc and a learning/teaching DVD all in one package at the TUC SHOP.
We hope again that you find value in this LAYOUT, and look forward to providing you many more over the course of the year. If you have any suggestions for content, or concerns and/or kudos to relay, just drop us a line at and we'll see what we can do!
--The Team at TUC