
Hello TUC Member
The TUC Board of Directors and Executive team welcomes all new and returning members to the 2006 Toronto Ultimate Club Season!
Even though winter wasn't such a bear this year, it's nice to know that outdoor Ultimate is just around the corner for another year.
And, we are continuing with the great strides we've been making over the last few years to improve the Toronto Ultimate Club for you, the membership. We're very excited to have our new GM, Jason Robinson, fully up and running and working daily with our Membership Services Coordinator, Ian Brooks, to get the new 2006 season rolling. Jason, Ian and our team of volunteers continue to support our sold-out Winter Indoor session and plan our short, but lively, Spring session at Ashbridge’s Bay. Good luck to all Winter teams in the 'Year of the Goat' playoffs!
Now that we've grown to over 3000 members, our staff start very early in the year to make sure we have fields to play on for our Summer League activities - that run almost 7 days a week. We continue to dialogue with the City of Toronto and the school boards to gain access to as many fields as possible. We're also looking forward to holding several tournaments and social events this season to continue to create a club that you are excited and proud to be a part of. This work cannot and would not happen without our tremendous team of volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure TUC is the welcoming, spirited, and fun organization that we all come back to season after season. I urge you to join us in volunteering in any capacity you can. All are welcome!
As you reacquaint teammates and make plans to register for Spring & Summer League 2006, remember that Ultimate is the sport we love because of the founding values we all demonstrate on the field. With your teammates, please continue to place an emphasis on inclusiveness, sportsmanship, and fair play every time you hit the field. Have a great 2006 season!
Alison Fletcher – Chair, Board of Directors
Membership & League Registration Now Open!
Registration for TUC membership (extends April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007), Spring League (individual), and Summer League (team) is now up and running. Register by April 7 for Spring League and April 18 for Summer League. Spots are already filling fast! You can register online via our web site or in person at our office at 1185 Eglinton Ave East (Eglinton and Don Mills), Suite 703.
Click here for registration info
Skill Clinics Start Next Week!
Want to hone your skills for the upcoming season? TUC is offering 4 skill clinics in the month of April, join now! First one starts next week!!! Visit our web site for more details on the following clinics:
- April 8 - Indoor Beginner Clinic, 2-4pm, Downsview Hangar, Field #1, Cost $15
- April 15 – Indoor Intermediate Clinic 12-2pm, Downsview Hangar, Field #3, Cost $15
- April 15 – Indoor Beginner Clinic, 1-3pm, Downsview Hangar, Field #1, Cost $15
- April 30 – Outdoor (beach) Beginner Clinic, 12-2pm, Ashbridge’s Bay, Cost FREE to TUC members (followed by pickup afterwards)
Indoor clinics requires advance registration.
Volunteer coaches still required. Contact clinics@tuc.org if you are interested in volunteering.
Click here for the TUC 2006 Calendar For more TUC related event dates
Coach for a Day
Speaking of volunteer coaches, TUC requires volunteers for its “Coach For A Day” program. This is a great opportunity to not only help novice teams learn the game of Ultimate in proper TUC fashion, but also to gain volunteer points that you can redeem in the TUC Shop or for your touring team. For more information contact league@tuc.org.
And the Bid Goes To…
Congratulations to the TUC CUC ’07 Bid Committee, who were recently awarded the 2007 Canadian Ultimate Championships! Toronto has officially been selected as the host city for the 21st Canadian Ultimate Championships and the tournament will be held from August 9th to August 12th. More details to follow.
For more info visit the CUPA website
TUC Joins the Bell City Chase
The Bell City Chase is a unique urban adventure that requires participants to exhibit teamwork, resourcefulness, determination and the ability to make decisions on the fly while they search for ChasePoints scattered in unknown locations throughout the city. To conquer this 4-6 hour urban event, 2-person teams will run, walk and use public transit to navigate their way throughout the city. ChasePoints are designed to test teams with a variety of physical, mental, and otherwise adventurous challenges.
This year TUC will partner with the event hosts to provide an ULTIMATE CHASEPOINT activity, making this the best Bell City Chase yet!
Not only can TUC members use their Ultimate acumen to complete the chase, but they can also score more deals! For every Team that registers for the Bell City Chase and indicates that they have been referred from the Toronto Ultimate Club, by indicating "TUC" or "Toronto Ultimate Club" on the "heard about from" section, will receive a $10 Running Room Gift Card.
For more information or to register and experience the Laughter, Adventure and Discovery, visit:
TUC Welcomes New Disc and Apparel Partners!
TUC is very excited to welcome two great new partners to our team. While these outstanding companies have supported TUC in the past, this year and next they will really step forward to provide our membership the best in Ultimate gear!
DAREDEVIL DISCS – Preferred Disc of the Toronto Ultimate Club
Founded in Ottawa in 2002, Daredevil Discs have become well recognized across Canada and the world. They have been the official disc of the Canadian Ultimate Championships since their inception. As the Preferred Disc of the Toronto Ultimate Club, Daredevil Discs offers all TUC members a 20% discount on all online purchases and each TUC member will receive a $5 Gift Certificate and a Daredevil Disc in their membership package.
For more information on our new disc partner, visit www.daredevildiscs.com
GAIA Ultimate – Preferred Apparel of the Toronto Ultimate Club
With a long tradition of supporting Ultimate at all levels, GAIA is a player-driven pioneer Ultimate company based in Vancouver. GAIA was the first to introduce many Ultimate specific products, including cleats and team jerseys. As the Preferred Apparel of the Toronto Ultimate Club, GAIA offers all TUC members a FREE GAIA Membership (Value of $25) resulting in great savings (10-70%) off of retail price. As well each TUC member receives a $10 Gift Certificate for GAIA online purchases.
For more information on our new apparel partner visit www.gaiaultimate.com
TUC has a long-standing history of giving back to Toronto. We want to continue that trend, through our “Be Ultimate!” community service program. Phase 1 of the 2006 program will be TUC’s participation in the annual “City Cleanup” day on Saturday, April 22. We are looking for volunteers to help clean up a section of Flemingdon Park (Don Mills & Eglinton) from 10am-12pm. You don’t have to stay for the whole time, but we’d ask that you donate an hour to the cause. Volunteers will receive point credits towards the TUC Shop or their touring teams. For more information contact gm@tuc.org
On Monday, April 3, registration begins for Ultimate Long Weekend (ULW), TUC’s second annual northern Ultimate getaway. The event is held at Olympia Sports Camp in Huntsville, from May 19 to May 22. ULW attracts Ultimate players from across the province and is a great long weekend of laughs and social interaction….oh, and some Ultimate too! Cost is $195 per person (including accommodations, meals, activities). All captains can register their teams beginning April 3, 2006. There are a limited number of spots available so register ASAP. Individual registration begins April 10.
For more information visit our Ultimate Long Weekend page or email Ian at admin@tuc.org!
Ultimate Long Weekend Info
The TUC team