Let’s Get it Started!
We are only 10 days away from the first games of summer. A successful Spring League has now concluded and we are in the final stages of preparing our summer season schedule. We hope to post the schedules early next week (first 5 weeks, after which we shuffle tiers), as our convenors are feverishly ranking teams and our staff is doing its best to accommodate your requests. Please bear in mind that fields in the city core are few and far between! This is a common struggle all sport clubs face and we will do our best with what we are able to obtain from the City.
Please be sure to review our game cancellation policy and remember to ALWAYS PLAY WITH SPIRIT! We have a “How to Spirit Guide” on our website which includes respecting community fields (no litter, be kind to dog-walkers, etc).... more on Spirit below. Enjoy your games!
Captain’s Meetings, May 15-18. A reminder to all captains that the Captain’s Meetings are this coming week! All team captains are required to attend the meeting on the corresponding night of their team play. Meetings will run from 7 p.m. SHARP to 9 p.m., at the Sport Alliance Building located at 1185 Eglinton Avenue East, Room 3B. The Sport Alliance Building is accessed via Rochefort Drive, which is just south of Eglinton off of Don Mills (besides Forresters).
Free pizza and refreshments, handbooks, summer info, and a donated Daredevil Game Disc for all captains! Captains should have received an email from their Convenor – if not please let us know. If you cannot attend, please have a team member take your place.
FREE CLINICS!!! There will be a Women's Beginner/Intermediate Clinic on Monday, May 15th starting at 6:30 p.m. This free clinic will take place at Riverdale East and is proudly offered by Lotus Ultimate. There will also be a Men's Intermediate Clinic on Wednesday, May 17th starting at 6:30 p.m. This free clinic will also take place at Riverdale East and is proudly offered by GOAT Ultimate. That's two free clinics offered by two top-notch teams in 3 days! If you have any questions, contact Ethan at clinics@tuc.org.
We will also be hosting a Co-Ed Beginner/Intermediate Clinic on Sunday, May 28th. More details will be posted in the coming days.
Thanks to all who came out on Sunday, April 30th to participate in our free beginner skills clinic on the beach at Ashbridge's Bay. Despite the gusting winds, we were able to enjoy the sun and learn the finer points of Ultimate from our expert instructors!
Summer Pickup
There are two great opportunities each week to play some quality pickup Ultimate. Sunday pickup has now been moved from Ashbridge’s Bay to Riverdale East. Every Sunday from 2:30 – 5:30pm all TUC members are welcome to come on out and play. Starting May 26, Friday pickup will also be available at Riverdale East throughout the summer, from 6:30pm – 8:30pm each night. Both pickup fields are located in the greenspace on the east and north sides of the track. See you there!
Spirit Points
At the conclusion of each game, team captains are mandated to report a “Spirit Score” to TUC for their opposing team. Spirit scoring is used to encourage and identify good spirit as well as minimize poor spirited play. Any score is allowed in the range of 0 – 5, with 5 being the best Spirit Score. Determining spirit is a TEAM activity and all team members should have input. A convenient way to do this is have the team stand in a circle (while working on your cheer) and indicate their opponent’s spirit score with the fingers of one hand. The team score would then be the average of digits shown.
For more detail visit our Spirit Rating Guide.
Not Your Usual Hat Tournament…
Join us on June 10th as we host our second Hat Tournament of the season at SUNNYBROOK PARK. This event is free to all TUC members and will run from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on the lush green lawns of Sunnybrook, near Eglinton & Leslie. This event will include some free giveaways, great Ultimate, and a big social event afterwards! No matter what your skill level, come on out and enjoy the perfect field conditions with your friends in Ultimate! Please arrive by 9:30 a.m. at the field hockey fields.
Thanks to all who participated in our first Hat Tournament of the season on May 6th. The tourney was held on the beach at Ashbridge’s Bay and included a free BBQ lunch. Congrats to spirit winners Grace, Brodie, Carl, and Gord (aka Mr. Layout).
For more information contact events@tuc.org
Gender Blender 10th Anniversary
It’s the tenth Blender and the GB crew is all revved up to continue the tradition June 2-4 in lovely Fergus, Ontario. This event is one of the original Ultimate weekend parties and even if you aren’t playing in it, we recommend you go check it out.
Visit the website: www.genderblender.org
Bell City Chase – Sign Up Now!
As outlined in our March Volume 2 LAYOUT, this year the Bell City Chase will feature an ULTIMATE CHASE POINT activity and TUC members who sign up can take advantage of a free $10 Running Room gift certificate if they register for this unique urban adventure and indicate “Toronto Ultimate Club” in the “heard about from” section.
For more information visit www.bellcitychase.com
The TUC team