In our last issue, we included a survey link in order to pole the membership on their satisfaction levels regarding various dimensions of Club operations. Your Board & Executive were particularly interested in receiving feedback on the many changes that have taken place this year. We had a great response and we'll share some of the results with you in the days ahead. Briefly, however, it was a real treat to get overwhelming positive support for most of the changes that have been implemented this year. For those of you that responded, thank-you for your time and feedback. For those that missed out, it's not too can go back to your last issue of LAYOUT and follow the links. |
Forcing Home Charity Event
It's that time once again - indoor ultimate and the second edition of the Forcing Home Allnighter Tourney. This is a charity event taking place late Friday evening of the 19th of November 11:30 PM to the wee hours of the morning on Saturday 8:00 AM
These events are taking place across Canada and we want to rule by raising the most money of any single event in Canada. Funds raised will be split evenly amongst Habitat for Humanity & the Scott Mission here in Toronto.
Cost is $30.00 and a warm garment donation
You get - Ultimate all night - a pizza dinner - and a TUC tuque SO COME ON TORONTO - LET'S SHOW WHO "FORCES HOME" THE BEST!
Expansion of Winter Indoor Ultimate
Due to overwhelming demand, we are pleased to announce the expansion of indoor ultimate, due to the recent acquisition of an additional field for the winter session starting early 2005. Increased field availability will allow 4 additional teams, bringing the total to 20 teams.
Here's the new format
8 team "A" league for experienced A/Touring players
8 team "B" league for intermediate-level players
New this winter 2005
4 team C league for new/developing players
Don't miss out
It's Party Time Again
On Friday November 12th from 7PM til closing, we've got the whole Hard Rock Cafe at the Skydome to ourselves for another TUC party. They don't call it Hard Rock for nothing! Max capacity is 475 people and based on the last party, the place will fill up fast and rock all night. Light snacks, awesome prizes and DJ provided.
Don't miss it!!!!
Look for the posting on the web early next week!!!
NEW Planning Tool
No it's not Tom.... it's a great, new interactive calendar that's sure to please. CHECK IT OUT - feel free to click around and see what it can do. On any given event listed, click and check out the pop ups. Contacts, event details, web and email links! Great detail at your mouse clicks!
TUC Welcomes New Board Members
The Annual General Meeting of the TUC was held on Wednesday October 27th at the SAO building. The 11-member Board saw 4 members, who had served their 2 year terms, step down. They were Robert Botman, Lori Bristow, Michael Pezzack and Jeremy Roedde. Nominated and elected/reelected were Robert Botman, Erin Dwyer, Stephane Levac, Kirk Nylan and Renee Tratch. These new members join our 7 retained members, expanding the new Board to 12. The 2003 AGM Minutes were approved along with audited financial statements from 2001, 2002 & 2003. Many thanks to the members who contributed greatly during the past 2 years. We appreciate your commitment to the club. We also look forward to our new Board members enthusiasm and insight.
Missed It
With Halloween just upon us, we hope that all of you and yours have a happy and safe one.
--The SCARY Team at the Toronto Ultimate Club