Summer Playoffs - Schedules Posted Soon

The game schedules for the playoffs will be posted on Thursday afternoon, September 7th. During the week leading up to the playoffs the following will take place:

Sunday, September 2nd: deadline to submit your playoff roster
Monday, September 3rd: roster review by TUC managers (invalid rosters will be removed)
Tuesday, September 4th: rosters posted at 12pm for captains review. From 12pm Sept 6 to 12:00pm Sept 7 captains can report any objections to sub players on opposing teams.
Wednesday, September 5th: deadline for objection is 12:00pm. TUC managers to address objections with captains and update rosters by Wednesday evening. 5pm is the deadline to withdraw your team from the playoffs.
Thursday, September 6th: finalization of rosters and schedule preparation. We will do our best to post the schedules as early as possible.

Playoffs Logistics

Playoffs will take place at Sunnybrook Park. Monday and Tuesday playoffs take place on Saturday, September 8th. Wednesday and Thursday playoffs take place on Sunday, September 9th. Regular season standings determining their playoff seed. Intend on being at Sunnybrook for the full day.


Registration for playoffs is completed online and closes at the end of the day on Sunday September 2nd (THIS SUNDAY). Registration is optional to summer teams and it’s free, but it must be completed by the same person that registered (and paid for) the summer league team. Registration will close on September 2nd (note that this is also the roster deadline). If you don’t register by September 2nd, your team will not be able to participate in playoffs.

Online Playoff Rosters

When you register your team for playoffs, a new playoff team will be created in the system, with you automatically added as captain. Just like your regular summer team, you will then ADD THE PLAYERS from your summer team who are participating in the playoffs. The system will allow you to review your 2012 summer team roster, and via tick-box add the valid players from this roster. So long as the players are eligible they will be automatically placed on the team (no invite that the player needs to respond to). Once you have completed adding your attending roster players to the playoffs roster, the system will then allow/disallow you to invite substitute players to your playoff roster based on the Summer Playoff Sub Policy rules. If at any point prior to September 4 you wish to add another valid regular player (that you did not include the first time) you can do so on the system, or vice versa (remove a player who can no longer attend).

The deadline for completing this online playoff roster is September 2nd and this includes all subs! You can edit your summer playoff roster prior to September 2nd, anytime after you register. If your playoff roster is not complete or is not properly submitted by September 2nd, your team is not eligible to participate in the playoffs.

So note that September 2nd is the last day to register your playoff team AND also the last day to submit your playoff roster. Don't wait until the last minute to register, get it done NOW!

Sub Participation Policy

Subs are allowed in playoffs as per the summer league sub policy. Up to two male and three female subs are allowed, but only to bring a team's total number of players up to a maximum of 8 males and 6 females. For example, a team with 3 rostered females participating can have up to 3 female subs at payoffs. However, a team with 5 rostered females participating at playoffs can only have 1 female sub (bringing their total to 6). A team with 6 or more rostered female players participating in playoffs is not allowed to have any female subs.

Rosters will be posted online, and players will have opportunities to review other team's subs (and declare any objections). If there are objections, captains will be notified and those players will not be allowed to participate on those teams.

We strongly encourage you to read the Summer Sub Playoff Policy! Here it is:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the TUC office.


Your TUC Managers
