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I’m Registered and Ready to Go for the Summer, So What’s Next? |
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Summer League Captains Meetings |
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TUC Clinic Leagues Starting May 26, 2008 |
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TUC Spirit Hat Tournament & Summer Kickoff Party – May 31 |
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Volunteer Of The Month |
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New TUC Sponsor – Health Zone |
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CUPA Annoucement |
Volunteer of the Month for April is Josée Guibord  Josée Guibord is the Scallywags Volunteer of the Month for April 2008. A veteran leader and player on Toronto’s top women’s touring team, Lotus, Josée has sacrificed countless hours to the sport of Ultimate. She can be found at many of our clinics offering her expertise to TUC members, from the basic concepts to the hard-core strategy. Josée recently was part of a great instructional team who ran our TUC ‘team’ clinic. She has also been our coordinator for Women’s Spring League this year, helping new players develop their techniques as well as organizing games.
A great example of an elite-level player giving back to the sport, Josée has been an outstanding volunteer for TUC this spring. Thanks Josée!
Thanks Josée!
Each V.O.M. will receive $50 Scally’s Dollars that can be used towards any purchase at Scallywags.

New TUC Sponsor – Health Zone

TUC is pleased to welcome our new partner ‘Health Zone’ to the TUC family. Health Zone provides high-performance supplements and nutritional energy boosters with all you need to get up, get going, and move beyond. From Sports Drinks to Vitamins & Supplements; from Weight Management to Air & Water Quality; you can now support your club (% of proceeds benefit TUC) while improving your health and performance from the inside out.
Energy for your life as you want to live it.
Simply go to the TUC Health Zone site and order what you like. You can also access the Health Zone from TUC’s main page under "Health Check".
CUPA Annoucement

CUC & Regionals.
Information on CUC & regionals is now available on the CUPA site.
Wednesday, May 7, 12pm noon is the final deadline to register a Summer Team or sign-up as an individual to be placed on a summer team. If you are playing on a team that has already been registered by your captain, all that you need to do is register for your 2008/2009 TUC membership (please do it asap!) and then the captain will invite you to the team roster.
Team fees for Summer League are $750 per summer team and individual fees (for those who want to register as a solo player on a hat team) are $50 per person. You can get more information on our General Summer Information page.
Register for summer league online at www.tuc.org by Wednesday, May 7 or you will miss out!
I’m Registered and Ready to Go for the Summer, So What’s Next?
Each TUC member is sent a welcome membership letter; if you have not yet received it you can view the letter here. Returning members please be sure your mailing information is up to date.
If you are on an existing team: - you should let your captain know you have registered as a TUC member and he/she will then invite you to the team roster. You should get an email requesting your approval to join the team. This week the league convenors will look at all of the team requests and slot teams into appropriate divisions – there may be some back-and-forth with your captains and then by May 12 we will have all of the teams sorted. During the week of May 12-15 we will host the captains meetings and your captain (or a team appointed rep) MUST attend the meeting of your corresponding league night. At this meeting we go over all the important league info and issues as well as distribute permit books and membership packages for your team. Your first games will be posted in Leaguerunner a week before the season starts (i.e. first Wednesday games will be posted by May 14).
If you registered as an individual to be placed on a team: we will try to place you on a ‘hat’ team (team of individuals) on your preferred night and in your preferred area (east or west). Within approximately one week you will receive an email from your league convenor, notifying you of the team that you will be placed on. The first week’s schedule will follow shortly thereafter on Leaguerunner ("My Games" link in left-hand menu). For each of the hat teams we will be looking for one of the team members to serve as team captain.
Your First Game and the Season: once your first game is posted in Leaguerunner, please note the game location and start time. Almost all game start times are 6:30pm, although the odd game at a premier field may be later. Game start times are not the be-all, end-all and we understand that getting around the city can be tough. Try to start your games by 6:45pm and definitely no later than 7pm, or else the opposing team can apply penalty points if they have a full roster and you do not. Once your game concludes, both team captains go home and enter the scores in Leaguerunner, once they do so the score is posted and reflected in the standings. Next games will be clustered in groups of 2-3 games at a time. This is because we use a ratings ladder system that moves your team up or down in the standings dependent on game results. For an explanation of the ratings ladder system, click here.
Summer League Captains Meetings
Captain’s Meetings are MANDATORY. You are responsible for attending on the corresponding night of your league games (ie. your team is registered for Wednesday nights, you come to the May 14 meeting). Meetings will take place at the Sport Alliance Building, 1185 Eglinton Ave East, in Room 3B (3rd Flr). The building is located on the south-east corner of Don Mills and Eglinton, access the building via the south entrance/parking lot. Meetings will commence at 7pm and last approximately 1 hour. Pizza and snacks are served. All Summer League matters will be discussed at this meeting and it is very important you attend. Captains will be responsible for collecting membership packages for their players at this meeting, so plan on bringing a box of discs back home with you and then distributing them at your teams’ first meeting/game. You will also pickup permit books, a free game disc, and Scallywags team card at the meeting.
Note if you are a captain on several nights you only have to attend one of the meetings so long as you provide advanced notice to the TUC staff.
TUC Clinic Leagues Starting May 26, 2008
Have you been looking to take your game to the next level? Or are you new to the game and want to give it a try? Well, TUC has what you’re looking for with its 5 Week Clinic League.
The Clinic League will begin Monday May 26, 2008 from 6:30 PM to dusk at Caledonia Park (Caledonia and Keele). It will run each Monday for 5 weeks and you will get expert instructions on improving your skills, basic team concepts, zones (offence & defence), strategies, rules and much more. Each week will provide a clinic on a specific topic for the first hour, which will then be followed by a scrimmage to practice those concepts. You can view an outline of what will be covered each week here .
You need to be a TUC Member in order to register for this league and registration cost is $25 for all 5 weeks. You can register online at www.tuc.org.
Spirit Hat Tournament & Summer Kickoff Party – May 31
TUC is hosting a new Hat Tournament, called the 'SPIRIT HAT TOURNAMENT', on Saturday, May 31. The event will be a fun day of Ultimate that focuses specifically on Spirit and enjoyment of the game. ALL SUMMER TEAMS are encouraged to send at least one representative from your team, in an effort to develop Spirit league-wide. Of course though more than 1 are welcome! Location is TBA, although likely Riverdale Park East. Start time is 9am and the event is FREE for all TUC members. Spread the word now and book off the date!
Later that night following the tournament we will be hosting the TUC Summer Kickoff Party! We will be hosting a raucous good time at the Madison Pub, starting at 9pm. There will be food, prizing, and a FREE drink for the first 50 TUC members in attendance! Stay tuned for more details which are coming soon.
Please note this event is for TUC members and their friends who are 19+ years of age.
- The TUC Team
Toronto Ultimate Club #703 - 1185 Eglinton Ave East Toronto, ON M3C 3C6
tel. 416-426-7175 fax. 416-426-7153 WWW.TUC.ORG