On Saturday of the tournament, from 4-5pm, TUC participated in the ‘Great Canadian Ultimate Game’, the largest Ultimate game in the nation!
The score received at 4pm from Durham was 127-125 in favour of Boys and Girls Club. Our game took place on Field 1 and after an hour long back and forth battle, the final score at 5pm was 138-138! The final score for entire game was 253-251 in favour of Boys and Girls Club. TUC alone raised just over $400 for the charity event. The total figure raised from the charity event is still being calculated and once that is finalized, 60% of it will go to support the Boys and Girls Cub while the other 40% will support Right to Play. We are still selling commemorative GCUG discs to honour the event and support the donation. Discs are $15 each and can be bought at future TUC tournaments or at the TUC office. There are lots more GCUG photos courtesy of Ed Kung, click to view them all!