Note: A PDF version of this document is also available. Any team captain for a TUC League/event must adhere to the Captain's Agreement.
My responsibilities to the TUC, as a captain/registering individual include:
- It is my responsibility to complete full team payment and then collect portions of the team fee from my teammates, not the TUC.
- I understand and accept that payment completes my team registration and that my team spot is not guaranteed until full payment is completed.
- I understand and accept the TUC’s refund policy.
- I will ensure that all players on my team are valid TUC members. I understand that only individuals who are TUC Members and who have signed all relevant waivers are allowed to participate in TUC league or events. Teams that are caught using non-TUC members or ineligible players will forfeit the game and may be sanctioned. I agree to enforce and abide by the TUC’s League Participation Rules on my team.
- I will submit my playoff roster according to the rules and abiding by the substitution policy rules.
- I agree to enforce and abide by the TUC’s Junior Participation Policy on my team, which include that any Junior player (age 16-18) who is participating on a team in a TUC Adult League/Event MUST be accompanied and supervised by a Responsible Adult, who is declared via the TUC Responsible Adult Form prior to the start of the league/event. I agree that any individual who is 15 years of age or younger is not eligible to participate on my team, should it be registered in an adult league/event.
- For TUC leagues and applicable events, I agree to have my team online roster updated (minimum 12 players unless otherwise noted) PRIOR to the start of the league/event or by the requested deadline date. If new players join my team during the season, I will add them to the roster promptly. I understand and accept that should my team roster be incomplete, my team may be removed from the league/event at the discretion of the TUC.
- I agree to attend all TUC scheduled captain’s meetings and distribute/communicate team information to my players. If I am unable to attend I agree to send a team representative in my absence.
- I will do my utmost to avoid a team default as it negatively impacts the enjoyment of my fellow TUC participants. I understand and accept the TUC’s Default & Game Cancelation Policy.
- I will know the rules of Ultimate and bring a copy of the rules to each game.
- I will encourage my teammates to ALWAYS PLAY WITH SPIRIT, and attempt to lead by example.
- I will bring the Captain's handbook (summer) or a copy of the field permits to each game where they are made available by TUC – and politely defuse any field conflicts.
- For leagues I will enter game scores online as soon as possible after each game, including SOTG score.
- I understand the TUC policies (i.e. Bad Weather, Default) and will ensure teammates are aware of them and abide by them.
- I will check my email regularly throughout the season for updates from the League Convenor or TUC office, and communicate important information to my teammates.
- I will meet with the opposing captain before and during the game to clarify any rules and solve any on-field issues, as well as squash any on-field tensions that may arise.
- I will report to TUC any serious injuries, field hazards, or incidents that take place during my game.
- In my absence, I will appoint a co-captain to administer the above responsibilities.
As a captain, and/or individual completing the registration of a team for a Toronto Ultimate Club (TUC) league, event or activity, I understand and accept the responsibilities and roles listed above, in addition to my adherence to the TUC Code of Conduct and the Spirit of the Game as a participant in the TUC’s leagues and activities. If I am not the individual who is captain of the team it is my responsibility to ensure that the appointed captain(s) are aware of this agreement and adhere to roles and responsibilities listed above.
Last updated: February 26th, 2025