Here is the Touring Field Request Form and the Touring Volunteer Plan Submission Form for teams seeking support.
1. Introduction
TUC is involved in this program because it recognizes the value of touring to the game of Ultimate and because touring players represent a skill and knowledge base that can be used to develop Ultimate in the GTA as well as within the club.
2. Program Intent
TUC’s first priority is to its membership, but that is not to say that Touring is unimportant. We aim to establish a balance between the needs of our members (quality Ultimate experience) with those of touring players (TUC resources). Therefore we have refined our system to encourage a sharing of information and knowledge to our members from touring players in exchange for TUC resources.
The touring program incorporates this point system, with touring teams purchasing summer training field(s) from TUC at the full cost of the field permit, and then redeem their points towards the summer training fields for a rebate/refund of up to 50% of the charged amount based on the volunteer points earned from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.
3. The Program
At the beginning of the season, eligible touring teams (or their administrators) must submit a proposal to TUC outlining details of their proposed TUC/Ultimate community commitment, and the respective credits they will earn towards the team’s purchases. TUC will allocate resources (fields) accordingly and teams will be held accountable throughout the season.
TUC requires support from touring teams in the following areas. Emphasis is placed on programs particularly important to TUC player development (see point volunteer point values). Volunteer programs of higher point value will be offered fairly or pre-assigned to prevent unbalanced program participation. Point credits are attached for each hour of volunteer service:
Description of Volunteer Service | Points per Hour (per person) |
Coaching services in TUC clinics & TUC summer clinic leagues | 4 |
TUC Juniors League Coaching (TJSL) and TUC Juniors events (CTS, camps, etc.), as well as TUC assigned school sessions | 6 |
Volunteering for Monarch Park or Central Tech Stadium dome set-up or take-down | 5 |
League Convenor for TUC Adult Leagues (up to 12 points per month) | 3 |
Volunteering at TUC tournaments or appointed non-TUC events | 4 |
Raising awareness of TUC (the TUC logo has to be a minimum 3” x 3” in size, on a visible part of the t-shirts or shorts that are worn by the players in tournaments.) *Mandatory* | *50 pts for team (total, not hourly) |
Volunteer Position on TUC Board of Directors or other Committees (up to 15 points per month) | 3 |
Other volunteer opportunities as identified by TUC Staff (ex. Pick It Up Sub, TPL Stat Keeping). Points to be awarded at the discretion of TUC Staff | 4 |
So how can you redeem those points? Teams work with our Touring Committee by tracking and submitting their hours on a regular basis. TUC resources (fields) are worth certain point values (read further). Points may only be used once.
TUC will focus its touring support on training fields, which is a top priority for touring teams. The support will be primarily for summer fields, but fall fields will be considered based on budget and hours accrued.
a) Fields
TUC will classify Sports Fields into categories: “A - Monarch”, “A - Turf” “A - Grass”, “B”, and “C” class fields to rank its fields according to point value. Touring teams can apply for a “class” of field, based on the quantity and type of volunteer hours (or points) they think they will achieve. Below is a table outlining the rating details and the credits required to purchase a training field for the summer season.
Class | Description | Point Value (1 day/wk) | Point Value (2 day/wk) |
A - MONARCH | Regulation size, premium turf field | 3000 pts | 6000 pts |
a - turf | Regulation Size, turf field, best location available | 1850 pts | 3700 pts |
a - grass | Regulation size, premium grass field, good condition, best location available | 650 pts | 1300 pts |
B | Undersized, average condition, average location | 300 pts | 600 pts |
c | Undersized, poor condition | 200 PTS | 400 PTS |
An application for a specific class of field is not a guarantee, but TUC will do its best to match requests with available fields. Fields will be allotted to teams based on the availability of fields, priority to member leagues, and touring team history. TUC reserves the right to determine field allocation.
Please note the following stipulations:
- Field requests will be considered based on field availability.
- Summer season for touring fields runs from May 15 to September 1, 2023. Note that TUC may not have some field permits the first week of this defined ‘season’ and may require teams to adapt.
- In the event that TUC cannot provide a specific field or class of field, TUC will provide the best available option to the touring teams. Items to consider are field availability (dependent on city permits), standard of league play (quality of experience to members), and transit viability (quality of experience to members).
- Most TDSB and TCDSB school fields will be designated as category “B’ fields.
- Teams who fail to meet point requirements will be downgraded to lower field classifications during the actual season. Please see “Monitoring” for further details.
- If TUC has not obtained permits for indicated fields then these fields are not eligible for consideration.
- Teams can pool resources (points) if they wish to share a field space.
- Players can only contribute their points towards one team that they play for.
- One player can account for no more than 20% of their team’s points claimed. Additional points cannot be allocated to another team.
- All team players should also be members of the Toronto Ultimate Club (holding an Adult, Intro, Post-Secondary or Touring Membership). Teams must enter their full team roster, along with their submission, into the ‘TUC Touring League’ that is available on the website in Zuluru.
- Activities taking place during a team’s practice session cannot qualify towards volunteer points, unless the team is running a TUC Sanctioned Clinic.
- Services/activities provided for a team/player(s) cannot be on teams for which you are a player.
- TUC reserves the right to cap the number of volunteers from touring teams as needed for any event, as well as limit the number of volunteers from 1 touring team.
4. Monitoring
The TUC Touring Chair will work directly with the captains or representatives of each team to manage the program. Each team should identify a team liaison to work with the committee to track and report activities and to lead communication to the team to coordinate volunteer activities.
Touring team captains/liaison will be expected to track their own community support activities and provide a recap of the activities to the committee. (i.e. Description of services rendered and/or note from the event director or other leader present for the community service). TUC reserves the right to request specific documentation for proof of volunteer hours served. TUC also reserves the right to deny volunteer hours that it does not deem acceptable.
Here is Volunteer Hours Tracking Template for Captains to use to track and submit their hours with.
Teams who do not meet their proposed community service points may not be reimbursed by TUC for the field purchase.
a) Bonus Points
Teams who fulfill excess volunteer hours (and therefore accumulate extra points) can forward up to 50 points to the following year.
5. Disbursement
Summer Training field support will be provided in full starting May 15 (depending on practice field permit availability) and will last throughout the 2023 season (fields conclude September 1).
6. Submissions
All teams must complete the submission form and send to the TUC Executive Director and the Touring Committee outlining their proposed commitment and a guideline for the team to achieve its point goals. Proposals must be realistic and TUC reserves the right to request revisions to any proposal. Submissions must be provided by the Deadline of June 9, 2023.
Submissions will be approved by the Executive Director and Touring Committee on the basis of the support requested and the community service proposed. Submissions should include:
- proposed volunteer hours and services = total points (be realistic)
- proposal of how your team will use its point credits
- number of tournaments your team will participate in this year
- team summary and contact information
- draft team roster (to be replaced by actual team roster once confirmed)
a) Program Timeline
Deadline for Practice Field Requests | May 1, 2023 |
Deadlines for Team Program submissions | June 9, 2023 |
TUC & Ultimate Community Service Delivery | May 2023 - March 2024 |
Program Evaluation | Jan. ’24 – Mar. ’24 |
Program Reconciliation & Bonus Adjustments | April 2024 |
Updated April 20, 2023