Division Schedule: 2008 Summer Wednesday Competitive
Time |
Field |
Home |
Away |
Score |
May 21, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 2 |
Guanxi |
Sweet |
9 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
Rump Roast |
comic |
17 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
EGF Field Hockey 7 |
Redi |
12 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NAB 1 |
Frizbots |
Rumblefish / |
13 - 5
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SPS 2 |
BiG Hammers |
BerZurk |
13 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 1 |
Banana Cream Pie / |
17 - 10
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Hot Cousin |
The Big Kahunas |
17 - 9
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 2 |
Chunderheads |
Aerosol Headc... |
3 - 17
May 28, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 3 |
Rump Roast |
Frizbots |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DBF East |
Redi |
Sweet |
17 - 16
6:30PM-9:00PM |
EGF Field Hockey 7 |
BerZurk |
17 - 8
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
Banana Cream Pie / |
BiG Hammers |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 2 |
Guanxi |
16 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Chunderheads |
Hot Cousin |
9 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CRE 1 |
The Big Kahunas |
Aerosol Headc... |
17 - 10
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 1 |
Rumblefish / |
comic |
9 - 17
June 4, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 1 |
BiG Hammers |
Guanxi |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
Redi |
Banana Cream Pie / |
17 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CJP 1 |
Disciples of ... |
The Big Kahunas |
6 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWO 1 |
comic |
5 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWC 1 |
BerZurk |
Rump Roast |
17 - 16
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Sweet |
Hot Cousin |
17 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 1 |
Aerosol Headc... |
Rumblefish / |
17 - 9
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 2 |
Frizbots |
17 - 10
June 11, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 2 |
Sweet |
BiG Hammers |
11 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CVP Lower 1 |
Banana Cream Pie / |
BerZurk |
17 - 19
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Rumblefish / |
Disciples of ... |
17 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Hot Cousin |
Redi |
13 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 1 |
Frizbots |
17 - 9
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 2 |
Guanxi |
Rump Roast |
14 - 10
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 1 |
Aerosol Headc... |
12 - 11
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 2 |
The Big Kahunas |
comic |
12 - 12
June 18, 2008 |
6:30PM-8:25PM |
VAR 1 |
Disciples of ... |
Frizbots |
13 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 3 |
comic |
Aerosol Headc... |
15 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Rumblefish / |
Rump Roast |
12 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
BiG Hammers |
14 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Hot Cousin |
11 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 2 |
Sweet |
Banana Cream Pie / |
17 - 5
6:30PM-9:00PM |
AME 1 |
The Big Kahunas |
Guanxi |
6 - 17
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 1 |
BerZurk |
Redi |
17 - 13
June 25, 2008 |
6:30PM-8:25PM |
VAR 2 |
Disciples of ... |
comic |
9 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 1 |
Sweet |
17 - 16
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CVP Lower 1 |
Banana Cream Pie / |
Guanxi |
8 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Aerosol Headc... |
Rump Roast |
17 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
BiG Hammers |
Redi |
16 - 10
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SHP 1 |
BerZurk |
17 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWC 1 |
Frizbots |
Rumblefish / |
17 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
The Big Kahunas |
Hot Cousin |
9 - 17
July 2, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 2 |
Aerosol Headc... |
The Big Kahunas |
13 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CVP Lower 1 |
Rump Roast |
Disciples of ... |
17 - 8
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
Banana Cream Pie / |
12 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 5 |
comic |
Rumblefish / |
17 - 9
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 1 |
Redi |
17 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Frizbots |
Hot Cousin |
6 - 17
8:30PM-10:25PM |
VAR 2 |
BiG Hammers |
BerZurk |
7 - 17
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 2 |
Guanxi |
Sweet |
17 - 8
July 9, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 3 |
comic |
Banana Cream Pie / |
17 - 16
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
BerZurk |
Guanxi |
16 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CVP Lower 1 |
BiG Hammers |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DBF East |
Frizbots |
Rump Roast |
12 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 2 |
Disciples of ... |
The Big Kahunas |
4 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Sweet |
Hot Cousin |
18 - 19
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NAB 2 |
Rumblefish / |
7 - 17
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 1 |
Aerosol Headc... |
Redi |
13 - 15
July 16, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
Rump Roast |
Banana Cream Pie / |
10 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DVJ 1 |
comic |
15 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWO 1 |
BerZurk |
13 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWC 1 |
Disciples of ... |
Rumblefish / |
17 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Hot Cousin |
Redi |
13 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
EHS 1 |
Guanxi |
BiG Hammers |
17 - 10
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CRE 1 |
Sweet |
Aerosol Headc... |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NAB 2 |
The Big Kahunas |
Frizbots |
17 - 16
July 23, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BMW 2 |
Frizbots |
Disciples of ... |
17 - 12
July 30, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 3 |
Hot Cousin |
BerZurk |
17 - 6
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
Aerosol Headc... |
Banana Cream Pie / |
9 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DBF East |
The Big Kahunas |
Rump Roast |
10 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
EGF Field Hockey 7 |
Sweet |
BiG Hammers |
5 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
Rumblefish / |
Frizbots |
10 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 3 |
Disciples of ... |
17 - 5
6:30PM-9:00PM |
AME 1 |
comic |
9 - 17
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 1 |
Redi |
Guanxi |
8 - 17
August 6, 2008 |
6:30PM-8:25PM |
VAR 1 |
Frizbots |
Aerosol Headc... |
6 - 17
6:30PM-8:30PM |
BMW 1 |
Redi |
comic |
9 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
BRE 1 |
Hot Cousin |
Banana Cream Pie / |
0 - 0
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 1 |
Phat Elvis |
Rumblefish / |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CVP Lower 1 |
The Big Kahunas |
17 - 7
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
BerZurk |
BiG Hammers |
0 - 0
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 3 |
Disciples of ... |
17 - 4
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Rump Roast |
14 - 17
8:30PM-10:25PM |
VAR 2 |
Sweet |
Guanxi |
14 - 13
August 13, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Rumblefish / |
13 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 5 |
Frizbots |
Phat Elvis |
16 - 12
9:00PM-11:00PM |
BMF 2 |
Hot Cousin |
13 - 15
August 20, 2008 |
6:30PM-8:30PM |
BMW 2 |
Guanxi |
BerZurk |
17 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
Disciples of ... |
Rumblefish / |
14 - 8
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DBF East |
Phat Elvis |
17 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
EGF Field Hockey 7 |
comic |
Rump Roast |
15 - 8
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Sweet |
0 - 0
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SHP 1 |
Frizbots |
Redi |
10 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 2 |
Banana Cream Pie / |
17 - 12
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
BiG Hammers |
Hot Cousin |
8 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
AME 1 |
The Big Kahunas |
Aerosol Headc... |
11 - 13
August 27, 2008 |
6:30PM-9:00PM |
DVJ 1 |
Rump Roast |
14 - 8
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI East |
Banana Cream Pie / |
Sweet |
11 - 11
6:30PM-9:00PM |
LCI West |
comic |
BerZurk |
11 - 10
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NAB 1 |
Frizbots |
8 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NOR 1 |
Rumblefish / |
The Big Kahunas |
5 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SWC 1 |
Phat Elvis |
Disciples of ... |
16 - 17
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
Hot Cousin |
Guanxi |
11 - 9
6:30PM-9:00PM |
NAB 2 |
Redi |
BiG Hammers |
10 - 7
6:30PM-9:00PM |
AME 1 |
Aerosol Headc... |
6 - 16
September 3, 2008 |
6:30PM-7:50PM |
CJP 1 |
The Big Kahunas |
7 - 13
6:30PM-8:30PM |
BMW 1 |
Banana Cream Pie / |
15 - 12
6:30PM-8:30PM |
BMW 2 |
BiG Hammers |
Guanxi |
14 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Field Hockey 2 |
Aerosol Headc... |
Sweet |
9 - 14
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 3 |
Rump Roast |
14 - 15
6:30PM-9:00PM |
RIE 5 |
Redi |
BerZurk |
17 - 10
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Cricket East 1 |
Disciples of ... |
Phat Elvis |
16 - 13
6:30PM-9:00PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
comic |
Hot Cousin |
13 - 11
8:00PM-10:00PM |
BMF 2 |
Rumblefish / |
Frizbots |
11 - 17
September 10, 2008 |
6:30PM-7:35PM |
CAL Cricket South 1 |
Rump Roast |
11 - 12
6:30PM-7:35PM |
CAL Cricket South 2 |
Sweet |
The Big Kahunas |
11 - 9
6:30PM-7:35PM |
DBF East |
Aerosol Headc... |
16 - 6
6:30PM-7:35PM |
SWC 1 |
Redi |
Banana Cream Pie / |
14 - 13
6:30PM-7:35PM |
SUN Ultimate A |
BerZurk |
BiG Hammers |
11 - 13
8:00PM-10:00PM |
BMF 1 |
comic |
Guanxi |
13 - 15