Event » 2017 YOUTH Membership (under 18 years old) » View

2017 YOUTH Membership (under 18 years old)

TUC Junior Membership valid from January 1st, 2017 through to December 31st, 2017. Note that you must be 18 years of age or under for the whole of 2017 to be eligible for junior membership. If you are currently 18 years of age, turning 19 during the 2017 calender year you are considered an adult member, not a junior.

If you see a message instead of a register button that says you need to have signed the membership waiver, click the blue "have signed the Membership Waiver" writing, it is a link to the waiver that you need to sign in order to proceed.

Event Type
Membership Begins
Nov 28, 2016
Membership Ends
Dec 31, 2017
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Nov 12, 2016 12:00PM
Registration Closes
Nov 6, 2017 11:59PM

You cannot register for any events until you are logged on to the site. The system can help you recover forgotten passwords or create a new profile (and user ID with password) if you are new to the TUC site.