Event » 2012 Fall Indoor Sunday Parity at Monarch Park (6's, speedpoint, comp/int) - Individual Registration » View

2012 Fall Indoor Sunday Parity at Monarch Park (6's, speedpoint, comp/int) - Individual Registration

The new SUNDAY PARITY LEAGUE AT MONARCH PARK STADIUM is played like a regular 6-on-6 indoor game with all the same indoor rules, except it incorporates individual statistical tracking, balanced team competition, and social mayhem!

Games are played in the new Monarch Park Stadium which features premier sport turf (and free parking). Registration is by individual only, although players may designate someone they wish to play with. Depending on the registrations, the number of teams will be created accordingly. GM’s draft and tiering details will be announced around the registration deadline.

Imagine Fantasy Football blended with our popular Thursday Indoor Hat League. Teams track their own player stats (ie. goals, assists, D’s, drops) and these stats (along with game scores) are submitted weekly. Player values rise and drop based on their statistics. GM’s can trade players throughout the season and are essentially forced to do so in order to stay under time-imposed ‘salary caps’. The end result is more balanced games and even more social variety than a typical hat league…. plus individual Stat leader prizes!

The complete outline of the rules will be posted shortly. Thanks to our friends from MODS for sharing the information!

Divisions: Competitive/Intermediate

Dates: Starts Nov 18 and finishes February 3 (10 weeks, no games on Dec 23 or 30)

Game Times: Games will run from 2:00 - 2:55pm and 3:00pm - 3:55pm. It is the responsibility of all captains to ensure that all games begin and end on time.

Location: Monarch Park Stadium (All games)

Cost: $140 per individual

Event Type
Individuals for Leagues
Level of Play
Monarch Park Stadium Indoor
First Game
Nov 18, 2012
Last Game
Feb 3, 2013
Game Times
2:00PM-2:55PM, 3:00PM-3:55PM
Ratio Rule
Open Cap
Women Cap
Not allowed
Registration Opens
Aug 27, 2012 12:01AM
Registration Closes
Nov 14, 2012 11:59PM

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