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Games Help

Recent and Upcoming Games

The "Recent and Upcoming Schedule" section of the Zuluru Dashboard provides a timely snapshot of the most important events on your schedule.

Recently played games will be listed, with results where known. If you are a coach or captain, you will be able to enter scores for games here, with the "Submit" link. If you've entered an incorrect score, you can change it with the "Edit Score" button, until the game is finalized.

Upcoming games will also be listed. Opponent names and shirt colours are shown for quick reference, and you can click on team names to see their details and roster. A location code is also given; hovering over that will show the full name, and clicking on it will take you to a page with full details, including a further link to a Google map.

Also shown will be recent and upcoming team events (if there are any)..

All upcoming items will have an iCal link next to them, which you can use to import the details into any software that works with the iCal format (including Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar and others).

Personal Feed

iCal is a standardized format for exchanging schedule information between applications. Zuluru supports iCal output in a variety of ways, but perhaps the most useful is the "Personal Feed".

If you edit your preferences to enable this, you will be able to have iCal, Google Calendar and others automatically pull your schedule, from week to week, season to season, and year to year, and keep you informed of all of your upcoming games.

To add your personal feed to iCal, copy the link from the iCal logo at the bottom of the main Zuluru page. Then, go to the Calendar menu in iCal, pick Subscribe, and paste in the link.

To add your personal feed to Google Calendar, just click the "Add to Google Calendar" link at the bottom of the main page.

Reminder Emails

When a team is using attendance tracking and enables reminder emails, by default these reminders will only be sent to players who have not yet indicated their attendance. If you would like to get a reminder of the game location and time even if you have set your attendance in advance, edit your preferences to enable this option.

Date/Day/Time Format

By default, this system formats 8PM as 1:00AM, and today as either Tue Mar 4 or Mar 4, 2025 (depending on the context). Edit your preferences to change these settings to something that suits you better (e.g. many people prefer 12 hour format to 24 hour).

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