Toronto Ultimate Club
2006 Annual General Meeting
September 23, 2006
Call to order
Meeting started 7:40pm at Scallywag’s, 2nd floor, Young & St. Clair, Toronto.
In attendance: Rob Botman, Kirk Nylen, Renee Tratch, Rob Camp, Stephane Levac, Alison Fletcher, Kurtis McClellan, Mike Pezzack, Tom Meyer, Cindy Patrino, Jason Robinson, Greg Schmidt, Rahil Suleman, Max Quijano, Donna Moritsugu, Kirk Brown.
Constitution of the Meeting by Board of Directors Chair Alison Fletcher. Renee Tratch, acting Secretary, reported quorum is present.
Approval of 2005 AGM Minutes
Stephane Levac motioned to approve the minutes of 2005 AGM that took place on October 26, 2005; seconded by Rob Camp. Unanimously approved, except for Jason Robinson who abstained.
Report from TUC Board of Directors.
Chair Alison Fletcher presented an overview of the Board’s accomplishments during the year.
Report on TUC finances.
Cindy Patrino presented an overview of 2005 fiscal year and the financial position for 2006.
Rahil Suleman motioned that the 2005 audited statements are marked as received by the TUC members; seconded by Cindy Patrino. Unanimously approved.
Report from TUC General Manager
General Manager Jason Robinson presented an overview of TUC’s operations for 2006, including 2006 Financials year to date, status of membership and league and the changes that were implemented over the year.
Approval of By-Law Amendments
Rob Botman gave an overview of by-law amendments and By-Law no. 4. Rob Botman motioned that by-law amendments are approved; seconded by Rob Camp. Unanimously approved.
Election of new Board Members for 2006-2008 (two-year) term.
Rob Botman presented an overview of the responsibilities of a Board of Director member.
The following members were nominated and accepted nominations: Stephane Levac, Rob Botman, Cindy Patrino, Kirk Brown, Rahil Suleman, Mike Pezzack.
Rahil Suleman motioned that nominations closed; seconded by Jason Robinson. Unanimously approved.
The following members were elected to serve a two-year term on the TUC Board of Directors: Stephane Levac, Rob Botman, Cindy Patrino, Kirk Brown, Rahil Suleman, Mike Pezzack.
Existing Board Members who were elected at the previous general meeting and who will stand for another year are: Sean Evans, Andrew Hunter, Robert Camp, Sara Beheshti, Alison Fletcher.
Deferral of appointment of Auditor for 2006.
Cindy Patrino recommended that Requests for Proposals from auditors be sought for 2006 Audit.
Jason Robinson motioned that the members authorize the Board of Directors to select a new auditor when one has been selected and that immediately before the time of the appointment by the Board of Directors of the new auditor, the current auditor is removed from the position of auditor i.e. their appointment is ended; seconded by Tom Meyer. Unanimously approved.
Other business
Alison Fletcher led discussions with membership on playoff participation (policy on dropouts and subs), timing of the AGM and membership year, and spirit scores and their relevance.
Meeting adjourned at 9:31pm