Toronto Ultimate Club
2009 Annual General Meeting
September 22, 2009
Call to order
Meeting started 7:11pm at Scallywag’s, 2nd floor, Young & St. Clair, Toronto.
In attendance: Sara Beheshti, Aaron Carveth, Jason Crowder, Gerald Feeney, Natalie Fitzgerald, Andrew Hunter, Joseph Krengel, Ed Kung, Kurtis McClellan, Ethan Milberg, Mike Lane, Norman Lew, Derryl Newbury, Mike Pezzack, Greg Schmidt, Nancy So, Rahil Suleman, Jason Robinson, Bill Wong, Natalie Wong.
Constitution of the Meeting by Board of Directors Chair Sara Beheshti. Bill Wong, acting Secretary, reported quorum is present.
Introduce Directors & TUC Leadership
Chair Sara Beheshti introduced directors and TUC leadership.
Presentation and Approval of 2008 AGM Minutes
Jason Robinson motioned to approve the minutes of 2008 AGM that took place on September 16, 2008; seconded by Rahil Suleman. Unanimously approved.
Report from TUC Board of Directors
Chair Sara Beheshti presented an overview of the Board’s accomplishments during the year.
Review of Financial Statements & Financial Report
Mike Lane and Jason Robinson presented an overview of 2008 fiscal year and the financial position for 2009.
Motion to approve financial statements and financial report. Moved by Ethan Milberg, seconded by Rahil Suleman. Unanimously approved.
Report from TUC General Manager
General Manager Jason Robinson presented an overview of TUC’s operations for 2009, including 2009 Financials year to date, status of membership and league and the changes that were implemented over the year.
Discussion of Proposal for 30th Anniversary Awards Event
General Manager Jason Robinson presented a proposal to use surplus to celebrate TUC’s 30th Anniversary Event. Motion for the membership to approve the expenditure of the surplus from 2008, towards a PR, social event or other expenditure that benefits the TUC, for a purpose to be approved by TUC board and GM, by the November 2009 TUC Board meeting. Moved by Sara Beheshti, seconded by Rahil Suleman. Unanimously approved.
Discussion and Approval of By-Law Amendments
Sara Beheshti gave an overview of by-law amendments and the by-laws.
Motion to approve the indemnity amendment (By-Law #5) to be added to the by-laws. Moved by Ethan Milberg, seconded by Rahil Suleman. Unanimously approved.
Motion to provide the inclusion of the form of attendance of TUC board meeting online, through telephone conference or by other electronic means to the by-law. Moved by Sara Beheshti, seconded by Joseph Krengel. Unanimously approved.
BMO Field Conversion Proposal Discussion
General Manager Jason Robinson presented the BMO Field conversion proposal.
Election of new Board Members for 2009-2011 (two-year) term
The following members were nominated and accepted nominations: Aaron Carveth, Gerald Feeney, Natalie Fitzgerald, Todd Fowler, and Ed Kung.
Jason Robinson motioned that nominations closed; seconded by Ethan Milberg. Unanimously approved.
The following members were elected to serve a two-year term on the TUC Board of Directors: Aaron Carveth, Gerald Feeney, Natalie Fitzgerald, Todd Fowler, and Ed Kung.
Existing Board Members who were elected at the previous general meeting and who will stand for another term are: Sara Beheshti, Andrew Hunter, Kurtis McClellan, and Ethan Milberg.
Appointment of Auditor for 2009
Motion to approve Goldstein & Paloc, Chartered Accountants, as auditors for 2009. Moved by Aaron Carveth, seconded by Ethan Milberg. Unanimously approved.
Other business
TUC Summer Playoffs:
- UPA Conflict
- Enforcing Rules (substitute players)
- To be discussed by Ops Committee
Darryl Newbury motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Ethan Milberg. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:09pm