2009 Volunteer of the Year
Greg Schmidt is the 2009 Volunteer of the Year. Greg is TUC's webmaster and we are blessed to have a volunteer like him support our Club. He puts in a record number of volunteer hours each year and often communicates with our managers on a daily basis to help with tech needs and improvements on the site. He also contributes at events and is always offerings suggestions on how to improve our leagues to enhance the member experience. It would be hard to measure the value of what Greg has done for the Club in the past few years on either a nominal or personal scale. He has been a backbone for TUC and we thank Greg for the many things he has done to make TUC a great Club!

Our volunteer of the month for November is Vikki Shimoda. Vikki took over as sole convenor for Tuesday Summer League, and carried that over into our largest Fall Outdoor League, the traditional Sunday Fall League. She took on all these challenges independently with great success, and helped run the leagues very smoothly. Vikki also took it upon herself to develop a convenor ‘How To’ guide for new convenors that helps them to schedule games. Vikki is a regular at tournaments and TUC events, and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
Thanks to Vikki for her great support!

Julia Yung is the Volunteer of the Month for October 2009. Julia took full reign this summer with handling the logistics behind touring volunteers. Stepping up to join the newly formed Volunteer Committee, Julia’s enthusiasm and dedication has been a great addition and will be integral with the growth and prosperity of TUC’s volunteer core moving forward.
Thanks to Julia for all her great help!

Jason Chan is the Volunteer of the month for September 2009. While heavily involved with both mixed touring and league teams this summer, Jason never shied away from the opportunity to step up and help run our events. Jason was an active volunteer not only at the recent summer playoffs, but also at various TUC events, including the Summer Hat Tournament, throughout the summer. Jason’s passion and commitment to TUC has been integral in the running of our successful summer events.
A big thanks to Jason for all his efforts throughout the summer!

Bradley Wentworth is our August Volunteer of the Month. A product of TUC Junior Summer Leagues himself, Bradley has given back tremendously to the TJSL this season. He was our convenor for the TJSL North region and he helped in promoting TJSL city-wide. Every Wednesday evening this summer, Bradley could be found leading upwards of 50 youth in ultimate drills and games. He coordinated the administrative aspects of the league and he was pivotal in providing instruction and encouragement to new young players. At our recent TJSL Finals, Bradley was once again a key figure in organizing games and providing a fun environment for our up and coming Juniors.
A big thanks to Bradley for all of his efforts this summer!

Mark Wong is the Volunteer of the Month for July 2009. Mark has been a mainstay in our Clinic Leagues this summer, acting as an onsite leader and key instructor. The Clinic Leagues are very important in welcoming new players to the Club as well as helping beginners with vital skill development and learning the ropes of league play. To commit to several league teams, as well as his touring team, and then still find the time to help with Clinic League on Mondays, says a lot about Mark’s commitment to the game and to our Club.
Are you interested in volunteering for TUC committees or helping out with player development? Contact volunteers@tuc.org.

Ed Kung is our June volunteer of the month. Ed has been helping out with TUC for a long time and is one of our most consistent volunteers. You've probably seen him either on the field playing or off the field with his camera (or both) at almost every one of our events. He has been responsible for a lot of the great photos on our site, in the TUC Layout, and in the Pie Plate magazine. He does not just take photos, though. Ed is always eager to help out in whatever way he can.
Ed was a great help and took some great photos at our Summer Experience tournament, so it's time we thanked him for everything he has done over the years. Thank you Ed!

Sue Holland is the Volunteer of the Month for May 2009. As a member of the TUC Social Committee, Sue was a key leader in hosting the Steam Whistle Boat Bash on May 30. A lot of effort went into this event; things like posters, tickets, promotions, sales, logistics, music, and prizing….. and she was a big part of that. The result was our best social event in years and everyone who attended had a blast.
Sue is also a regular volunteer with TUC tournaments and clinics and recently helped with our women's tournament in March. She is an active participant in all things TUC and we can't thank her enough for all of her contributions. Thanks Sue!

Otto Chung is the Volunteer of the Month for April 2009. A member of the club for over 10 years, Otto has always been known for his outstanding ultimate videos. We recently approached him about producing the TUC 30th anniversary video for 2010 and he has taken on the role of director/producer/interviewer in full stride. Otto volunteered a great deal of time in both March and April interviewing TUC founders and putting together the initial pieces of a great TUC documentary.
Otto has also been donating his technical talents to various TUC events and promotions, including the TUC Field Cleanup on April 25. Check out the video on youtube.
Also a contributor to our league hat teams, Otto often serves as captain and assists new players and helps them enjoy the experience of TUC. A big thanks to Otto for all of his contributions to the Club!

Hadiya Roderique is the March ’09 Volunteer of the Month. ‘Dee’ was the driving force behind our recent Women’s Intermediate Tournament, which was a big success and one that we hope to do again. She helped find venue time, develop the itinerary, recruit coaches, coordinate logistics and run the show! It is because of great volunteers like Hadiya that we are able to promote and develop women’s ultimate, and a big reason why the ladies scene in Toronto is so strong!
A big thanks to Hadiya and all of her supporting Lotus teammates who ran a fabulous event.

Heather Levchuk is the February ’09 Volunteer of the Month. Heather was present both days for our Catch the Spirit High School Tournament, helping to score games, setup fields, and run skill clinics. She has also been actively involved as a Co-Chair for TUC Juniors, working with our Juniors Committee to promote the Toronto Juniors Summer League and even calling parents to chat with them.
For any questions about TJSL contact Heather at juniors@tuc.org.

Natalie Wong is our Volunteer of the Month for January 2009. Many of us know Nat as a player, but not everyone realizes how much work she does behind the scenes. Nat started volunteering with TUC leagues this past summer. Apparently, she got hooked. Since then, she's been convening more and more leagues and has also joined the TUC Board of Directors. In January, she started convening the Sunday Coed Intermediate Winter League and Tuesday Coed Intermediate/Rec League.
When you see Nat on any of her eight (seriously, eight!) different teams this winter, remember to thank her for all of her hard work.
The 2009 Volunteer of the Month awards were brought to you by Scallywags Bar, Restaurant and Year-Round Patio. Each Volunteer of the Month received $50 Scally's Dollars that could be used towards any purchase at Scallywags!